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Metal and Weapon Detectors in US Schools are Racist and Non-Inclusive

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posted on Oct, 3 2023 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: Muldar

But some parents and a few Salt Lake City School Board members worry the technology may have an outsized impact on students of colour.

Perhaps because an outsized number of students of colour are the ones carrying weapons.

In trying to argue against the policy, they actually admit the very need for and validity of the policy.

I’m where you’re at with this.

The obviously implicit statement is they think - up to the point they wouldn’t want to prove it - that”people of colour” will be disproportionately penalized.

I don’t know if that would be true or not - no one does does for this specific school.

But, I do know this - if you police yourselves, no one else has to police you.

The black community will ultimately be the ones most negatively impacted by their desires over the last few years when pendulum swings back the other way. It’s truly sad, and they walked right into the dang trap.

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 02:22 AM
People often complain that US schools are more like prisons than places of learning.

I'm sure manned checkpoints with metal detectors will only improve that perception... yep.

You know instead of paying for this couldn't they have, I dunno, spent it on something relating to actual education?

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 03:11 AM
And the TSA is raycist.
Same with seatbelt laws!
All posted speed limits are raycist!
Especially those in front of the schools, where you never even see 1 kid in front of the school because they're all locked up inside the school. What color kids are depicted on those "school crossing" signs?

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 09:30 AM
Time for some unpopular opinions!

It's a mentality issue. I can see it being detrimental to the psyche of certain students due to the media by and large; it could potentially make them feel like little pre-criminals. I can completely understand where they're coming from and what they're thinking. Nobody wants to be in a school where they perceive themselves as different by a program, even if it is meant to better the overall environment.

You know what I think would greatly improve schools? Gun safety and the elimination of the GFZ. Remember in the late 80's and early 90's prior to that law being passed? (probably further back, but I wasn't alive to remember)

Firearm safety was taught in schools across the board. Kids used to bring shotguns to school and leave them in their cars before/after school when they would go hunting. School issues were virtually nonexistent.

Creating laws that teach fear and stigmatize what was once common practice and acceptable has done more detriment than anything else.

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: Muldar

The only way weapon detectors could have an outsized impact on students of color is if those students of color are carrying weapons they shouldn't be carrying. In other words, some parents are afraid these weapon detectors will work and prove their children are the problem...

I live a bit North of a large City. A few years ago a City Councilwoman complained about 85% of the people arrested in her District were Black. It was pointed out to her that 90% of the people in her District WERE Black. Her reply was "I don't care! Arrest more White people!"
The article mentions nothing about the demographics of the School's area. It mentions nothing about the demographics of the School's student body.

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
People often complain that US schools are more like prisons than places of learning.

I'm sure manned checkpoints with metal detectors will only improve that perception... yep.

You know instead of paying for this couldn't they have, I dunno, spent it on something relating to actual education?

My wife (older middle aged white woman) subbed for a few years in a school that was above 90% black. No amount of money "spent ... on something relating to actual education" would have made a damnned bit of difference.

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 03:20 PM

objective beep machine


Hey, that's not the objective beep machine, that's the FROG Exaggerator!

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: VulcanWerks

originally posted by: incoserv
a reply to: Muldar

But some parents and a few Salt Lake City School Board members worry the technology may have an outsized impact on students of colour.

Perhaps because an outsized number of students of colour are the ones carrying weapons.

In trying to argue against the policy, they actually admit the very need for and validity of the policy.

I’m where you’re at with this.

The obviously implicit statement is they think - up to the point they wouldn’t want to prove it - that”people of colour” will be disproportionately penalized.

I don’t know if that would be true or not - no one does does for this specific school.

But, I do know this - if you police yourselves, no one else has to police you.

The black community will ultimately be the ones most negatively impacted by their desires over the last few years when pendulum swings back the other way. It’s truly sad, and they walked right into the dang trap.


posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 10:09 PM
link so 2% of the population of utah will be penalized unfairly? there are roughtly 39k? african americans in utah but they did say students of color so that brings it up to about 540k (latin14% and african american 2ish) out of 3.2ish million people total less then one 6th is gonna be penalized by metal detectors?

lets shift to another topic are metal detectors in court houses racist? how about at the airports? what magically makes them being in schools more racist then the other locations like concert venues and various other places that have them but it seems they are only bad in schools?

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 05:09 AM

originally posted by: JIMC5499

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: Muldar

The only way weapon detectors could have an outsized impact on students of color is if those students of color are carrying weapons they shouldn't be carrying. In other words, some parents are afraid these weapon detectors will work and prove their children are the problem...

I live a bit North of a large City. A few years ago a City Councilwoman complained about 85% of the people arrested in her District were Black. It was pointed out to her that 90% of the people in her District WERE Black. Her reply was "I don't care! Arrest more White people!"
The article mentions nothing about the demographics of the School's area. It mentions nothing about the demographics of the School's student body.

It's very simple and we all know why there are calls for not employing this 'controversial' measure.

The reason students of colour will be disproportionately affected is because students of colour carry more metallic objects with them including knives and guns.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Muldar

There's a certain political faction that declares anything that they don't like racist.

I belong to a small social club. Every year we have a "Graduation" Party for members and their children. The party is fairly open so that extended family and friends can attend.

A few years ago, after the party a Black couple approached me asking how they could join? I said that we would need a copy of one of their military discharge papers. We are a Veteran's Club. We are NOT associated with any National organization. Our State has specific rules governing our membership. Their answer was that neither of them were veterans. I told them that I was sorry, but, they were ineligible to join. The woman yelled at me "You're a bunch of racists!"

A few days later we get a representative of the NAACP at the door asking if he could speak to one of the Officers. He was investigating a complaint from the woman. I told him that I was the person that she spoke with and told him what had happened. He asked if that was the only reason that they were denied membership and I said that it was. He then asked if he could join? I said I'd need a copy of his DD-214 and he opened his briefcase and handed one to me. I said "I'll get you an application."

Rob has been with us for 8 years and handles the Club's Legal matters.

When everything is racist, nothing is racist.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: staple

Well we open carry here. And as veteran I can conceal carry. Some schools don't have metal detectors but an armed sheriff at door and teachers who do carry. Occasionally there might be drive by in place like NO at outside sporting event but as a mostly rural gun toting state we don't have these issues.

If you steal, your gonna get shot lol

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: Muldar

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
a reply to: Muldar

The only way weapon detectors could have an outsized impact on students of color is if those students of color are carrying weapons they shouldn't be carrying. In other words, some parents are afraid these weapon detectors will work and prove their children are the problem...

Very true.

Are you not concerned these views you have may be called 'racist'...

If that simple truth make me racist, then hell yeah - I'm racist and proud of it.

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 03:47 PM
Turns out the one screaming racist ... most likely is the racist

Its called projection

posted on Oct, 5 2023 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: dlbott

A few years ago I volunteered to help with a Science Fair at my Great Niece's school. In order to do that I had to submit to a background check. When I went to the School for the Fair, I was stopped by the School's Police Officer, who then patted me down. Everything was fine. I later found out that the background check showed that I had a CCP. That was the reason for the pat down.

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