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The Secret Life Of Grays

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posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

"Opposition"...? could you elaborate?

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: CaecusII

Now that is a good question, to which I have to answer unidentified.

Without conjecture, I can only say they left a footprint with the three events. The timing of which is really the only clue.

At the time I didn't connect the dots, only recently and with hindsight did I realise.

The line from the sky came from directly above the ESA satellite dish. I also see the dish pointing straight up on occasion. Maybe they know.

ETA: The message is quite clear: we know where you live and we know your movements.

I doubt I saw those things by accident, it is reasonable to assume they wanted to be seen as part of the message.

edit on 5/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added afterthought

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 04:56 PM
The grays know who they are.

I'm still left with a dull pain in my chest from the "gremlin" encounter which I'm not impressed with.

So I should add that when Wednesday stopped visiting all of a sudden I was feeling miffed that they didn't say a word after all the work I did for them.

They did stop by very briefly and simply said:

Revenge will be our gift for you.

edit on 5/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 5 2023 @ 04:56 PM
Double post
edit on 5/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 07:13 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Well, I try to stay out of the global goings-on when I can help it. Not much I can do about that. Even the 'Missing 411s' I get told to stay away from, because, well, not much I can do there either. So I work where I can.

Sounds wise with some of what you get into. As for Wednesday, quite a story. So while taking out the trash one day, a grey offers an invitation without the memory wipe. You decline. The grey goes find a ghost / spirit that has been dead for a few generations and wins you over.

When getting into RVing, I can see how something like this is not that strange. Must have some good skills to get such attention. So did Wednesday talk much about what it was like between death and finding you? Was it just a quick blur or endless days walking around chatting with other ghosts and stuff?
edit on 6-12-2023 by kwaka because: spelling

posted on Dec, 6 2023 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Sounds wise with some of what you get into. As for Wednesday, quite a story. So while taking out the trash one day, a grey offers an invitation without the memory wipe. You decline. The grey goes find a ghost / spirit that has been dead for a few generations and wins you over.

In a nutshell, yeah. So much more though.

The gray may have had the memories of a human, yet there is more to it than that.

One day I noticed a sadness in her. The memories of that young girl included an older brother whom the girl adored. The sadness was real, Wednesday lived it. The cost I spose you would say of living other people's memories.

So find the brother's memories, and install them in another gray. A blank.

So a gift for her, an older brother. A gift for him a little sister.

For me that was the highlight of our time together, it really was a teary moment when they were reunited.

One learns a lot about memory work.

Wednesday disappeared for three days not long after. That was a huge worry. My suspicion is she disappeared for re-education.

Yet still I can see that human family relationships are posible even for grays. Something I would have liked to explore.

When getting into RVing, I can see how something like this is not that strange. Must have some good skills to get such attention

I don't see them as "demons", nor am I frightened of them. Just wary. Plus I know how to navigate six dimensions. The fairies taught me that. That is deceptively simple. No strangled strings of half dead cats needed. Toss quantum physics out the window.

We know of three standard dimensions: length X width X height.

That is 3D.

Now we add two more dimensions: Inside and Outside to give 5D.

A sphere is a five dimensional object in this way. The sphere has height, width, and length. A sphere also has an inside and an outside.

So let's toss time (motion) in here as a sixth dimension. A car is a 6D object in this way. L X W X H plus inside and outside to give 5D. Wheels add motion (time) to give 6D.

An example of a 2D object is the surface of a pond. The surface is between the water and the air. Say 10 feet wide by 10 feet long and zero thickness.

So what we have is the through the looking glass principal.

So all one needs is euclidean geometry plus topology which is surfaces. Networks is handy too.

Maybe that is what interested the grays. I can get around.

So did Wednesday talk much about what it was like between death and finding you? Was it just a quick blur or endless days walking around chatting with other ghosts and stuff?

Wednesday is a gray. The gray body is an avatar that they build for themselves. The avatar is a bio-engineered life form designed for a purpose.

edit on 6/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

Edit to add: This was covered in depth in the fairy thread, so I'll just give a practical example of what can be achieved with dedication and tossing what we have learned out the window.

Have a look at my ATS avatar. That is me looking through the looking glass at Alice in Wonderland. "Alice" is a pseudonym for a real human girl by the way. She died some time ago. The folly of RV'ing for missing girls is that you will sooner or later find one who is still alive and won't be able to do anything to save her. All you can do is watch her die and be there for when she wakes up on the other side.

"Alice" is deceased, I am alive, we want to be together, so;

Within the mirror we see our reflection. In the looking glass we see something else. To change a mirror into a looking glass we stop seeing ourselves. That is how I would explain the knack of scrying. The mirror is only a tool.

The boundaries of self are our own inbuilt mirrors and looking glasses.

Gazing into the mirror, my reflection disappears.
She steps forward and smiles, my love lost so long ago.
Her hands reach up, her palms upon the glass. Our hands nearly touch.
Then her fingers interlace with mine, then mine with hers.
The boundaries are breached, she pulls herself across and into me.

That is what it is like to do this kind of thing. It is deceptively simple.

edit on 6/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:49 AM
The grays have many secrets, and I have to admit they play their cards close to their chests.

The point of this story is to illustrate that the grays have to work covertly because they have an enemy in the possession of rather advanced technology that is very human in design.

I have a theory that "contact" must be done in the guise of "abductions" where the abductee doesn't know what happened. I base that on something Wednesday said when I asked her about the role of inducing trauma in the "abduction". She said: "It is kinder that way."

At the time I thought perhaps this was because of "procedures" as some abduction scenarios say.

Now I think differently. I have not asked nor confirmed if I am correct, but I think it is because of what the "opposition" would do to contactees if they remembered what really happens in the "abduction" by the grays.

(Quote me from a page ago.)

Tonight in another thread I had a thought that joined a few dots.

So let's raise the question: Why do the grays abduct children?

The answer may be very simple.

In the nineteenth century, Lewis Carroll wrote Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There.

According to Dark Journalist, Carroll was also a part of an English occult group called The Oracle. They used special pre-pubescent girls as somnambulist trance mediums. Many political people were a part of this group.

Here is the Dark Journalist episode on The Oracle.

In a nutshell; this occult group used psychic kids as oracles. Thus, the name: The Oracle.

I wonder, might the grays do the same?

edit on 7/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 04:49 PM
Thank you fireslinger for the correction on the occult group. It is The Orphic Circle.

Never the less, they used kids as oracles.

Which has really got me interested in what happens in abductions.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 04:57 PM
I can imagine the first Gray Pride March on Earth.

"Oh jeez, no, my eyes!
Take it back to Area 51 you filthy aliens"!

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: CaptainHalf

To quote the American military "I will neither confirm nor deny the existence of . . ."
What is under a gray's skirt is a secret I will take to my grave.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: NewNobodySpecial268
a reply to: Observer19

G'day Observer19.

YA know the 'grays' in the 'gray forum' pun was not exactly unintentional . Yet I was reluctant to actually post this in the 'Aliens and UFOs" because of my conclusions.

Consider that I have a very small sample pool to base my research upon, and have to go with that rather than fit what I experience within the existing UFO lore knowledge base. There are some very small grays about two feet tall (60cm) with huge oval eyes like sand-blasted metal. I hope to study those in the very near future.

I guess the American government has it's own reasons for admitting the existance of UFOs. The admission of the big red triangle hovering over launch facilities at Vandenburg air base caught my attention. I was interested in the behaviour of swooping the guards. One might call that a Close Encounter location.

The problem is, for me at least, is ethics and the fact that that is a military airbase. So I can't go snooping there. I can however deduce that the football field sized UFO was interested in something in particular and it took the fourty-five seconds to achieve what it wanted. Anything more I cannot say because I was not there at the time.

Ignoring the countless reports of greys involved in the "medical exams" during abductions, them scurrying around landed UFOs seemingly to repair their craft or to gather vegetation in boldly apparent efforts to instruct us formerly clueless humans is insane.

I'll tell you about my first encounter with the grays.

That was back in the 1960s when I was five. One night I awoke with my bed a meter (yard) off the floor and being tipped from side to side and tossed in the air. When I was terrified and screaming a vortex of stars opened to the left of the bed and I was tipped into there.

A rather large gray said to me as a command: "You will not remember what happens next".

So I know from first hand experience about these things, and yes, creating lasting trauma is a part of the experience.

I have also met the long neck grays that can disassmble and reassemble matter in a similar way to the four foot tall one who does the bio-engineering. The long necks tried to show me the physics but I flunked at the first question; "what is left if the particles are not there?"

So I don't dismiss the technology side of the question, nor that some are possibly working with humans. Come to think of it I have done so with the bio-engineer myself.

Nevertheless, I will pose the question; what is the structure of the alien mind in question? There are a lot of them out there. I can only write of the ones I have met.

Do you think the large Gray got in trouble, because you do remember?

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: Gouldielockstitch

Do you think the large Gray got in trouble, because you do remember?

No not at all.

My reason for saying that is because the yellow long necked physicist gray I met on at least two occasions. The first was when I was RV'ing something off the California coast. Not American military, something hidden in the sky.

I was innocently looking over his shoulder, until he felt my presence, and then it was me who was in trouble.

After that I understand they keep really good tabs on me. I don't mind, I was in the wrong there at the time.

Subsequent visits with a kind deminour by that particular gray suggest I am tolerated at least, and get to know only what they want me to know.

Keep in mind here, these events took place over the last ten years. I don't get kidnapped nor interfered with because when I go "looking" it is in my waking consciousness. Plus I am polite enough to do my own research whilst taking their privacy into account. I don't have a free pass.

The fact that a physicist and a bioengineer took an interest in me has a great many implications. Writing here on ATS is a part if that. They do read over my shoulder by the way.

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 07:56 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

" Greys " According to David Icke are Nothing More than Biological Robot Reptilian Slaves doing their Bidding . They have No " Secret Life " other than that . Is that Far Fetched or Not > ?

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

" Greys " According to David Icke are Nothing More than Biological Robot Reptilian Slaves doing their Bidding . 

I haven't read any of Icke's books, only what ATS folk say about him and his views. Nor have I met him. So I can't say anything about what I have not seen or worked out for myself.

So I would disagree with thinking of grays as "robots". I would describe the ones I have observed as organically based special purpose avatars grown in batches from basic designs.

I have not met the "lizzies", and only know what I know.

edit on 7/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 7 2023 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

They have No " Secret Life " other than that . Is that Far Fetched or Not > ?

Thought I should comment, the subject of the grays is more important than most folk realise.

The "gray" could be called a "probe" as the people over at forgotten languages like to euphemise. So let's call the gray "alien" a "probe".

So who or what is it behind those black lightness almond eyes? The gray is just a "robot", a "slave" an "avatar", remember?

In this case; intelligences related to what we know as the insects called bees.

Keep in mind that the bee intelligence has sixty million years of co-evolution with flowering plants. Ask what else has that intelligence been doing all those years.

Humans invented the wheel. A big thing apparently.
Bees invented the honeycomb.

The is a level of complexity between the two.

Humans judge themselves superior by virtue of creating civilisation, flying to the moon and so on. The technological yardstick.
Bees build civilusations too, we call those hives.

Now what about consciousness?

Buddhism has been around for only a thousand years. The church for two thousand years. Egypt longer. Modern science, which was born in the eighteen hundreds, is younger still. Yet science is already talking about transcending mere physical existence with AI.

The insects have had a tens of millions of years headstart on humans when it comes to exploring consciousness, and developing consciousness too.

So what is behind those lightness black almond eyes?

It ain't demons that is for sure.

edit on 7/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Neatness

posted on Dec, 8 2023 @ 07:46 PM
I'm at the computer and have some time so I'll just jot down something about what I know of "implants". It isn't much really, just from casual observations that had some practical value.

By the way, I have a hunch that trackers were more important in the past than they are now.

This arose from working with Wednesday. It is a indelicate subject because it has to do with people's private parts. But I think understanding these things helps people feel more comfortable, at least a little bit.

So a "content warning".

I have mentioned the mathematics of topology and surfaces. It is a study that comes in handy by adding context.

The surface of the human physical body is not a blob. The surface of the human body has cavities. The interior of cavities, topologically speaking, are outside the body. Let's take the gastrointestinal system as an example. In this respect, the food we eat stays outside the body, the food is broken down within a tube and nourishment passes through the intestinal walls and into our body. That we can close our mouth, have the pylorus, and a rectum makes no difference, the gastrointestinal is a tube.

So topologically speaking, the human body is like a bead. A bead has a hole through it.

Now let's take the womb, that is a cavity. The nose, throat and lungs. The tiny tubes from our eyes and ears to our throats. The interiors of which are all outside our bodies.

Now the urinary tract. The contents of the bladder are topologically outside our body.

So where do the grays hide their implants?

Well, that would be within a cavity.

Now, we must remember that the grays can work in the ordinarily intangible realms. That is to say, the not quite physical realms. This is where the gray implants I have 'seen' exist. You would not know they are there.

I can't say ALL gray implants, but the ones I know of are implanted in the ovary and the prostate.

The implant reminds me of the sperm cell in that it has a head and tail. The head is coiled like a spring that extends into the tail.

The head is inserted into the ovary and prostate cavities. The tail extends to outside the body. If a seer grasps the end of the tail with aetheric fingers and with a gentle tug, the implant can be removed. It just unwinds.

Not even seers stare at people's private parts, that is just how it is. However, in a private clinical setting it is excusable with informed consent. If one can 'see' the tail of the implant, one just removes it without any fuss and minimal embarrassment in just a few seconds.

I can't speak for the experiences of other people with the grays, but I think the implantation of these particular trackers may explain at least some of the invasive encounters.

That the tracker is implanted in the ovary and the prostate do suggest that there is an interest in reproductive processes.

However, I personally doubt the "loosh" theory of Mr Robert Monroe. Especially the feeding upon sexual energy. I think the grays are more sophisticated than that.

Wednesday and I did do some work on the subject of what grays "eat". That is rather complex and is more in line with Rudolf Steiner's agriculture lectures and the Anthroposophical. Studies are ongoing . . .

ETA: The simplest explanation as to why the grays would hide an implant in the private parts is rather obvious.

The private parts are where clairvoyants / psychics / seers never "look".

edit on 8/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: Added afterthought

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 02:07 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
The Orphic Circle

It is very interesting that whoever this group is, they are using this name.

The Orphic Mysteries were esoteric mystic rituals - that formally have been lost in time - where the initiated could gain access to advanced skills such as foreseeing .

I've studied the Orphic hymns and according to domestic researchers and academics Orpheus as a "person" goes a lot more back in time than what mainstream academics claim.

Might be related somehow? I have no clue...but the name of this group is indeed interesting.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

Buddhism has been around for only a thousand years.

May I ask where did you get this?

The Buddha was born around 2667 years ago, which makes it at least half a millennium older than Christianity and relevant.

Unless you refer to the formal Buddhism religion which again was structured around 100-200 years before Christ was born.

Am I missing something?

Thank you very much.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 02:39 AM
Nah, you're not missing anything, that is blatantly my mistake, and you're correct.

Thanks for bringing that up.

posted on Dec, 9 2023 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: mind5torm

Aye, they are interesting, and DJ (Dark Journalist) is a decent researcher with the anthroposophical background.

I had to look up the myth of Orpheus (The Greek Myths volume 1 by Robert Graves, p 111).

According to Graves, Orpheus' wife Eurydice stepped on a snake and was bitten and died. Orpheus descended into Tartarus to bring her back. Orpheus was warned by Hades not to look behind, did so, and Eurydice never got out.

So that fits with DJ and what the Orphic Circle using girls as somnambulist trance mediums. I presume here the girls were to act as a bridge with the land of the dead. To go to Tartarus as Orpheus did.

When I watched DJ and the episode Alice X CERN, it was obvious they were using the kids as oracles. My dyslexia may have kicked in, so I now associate the word "oracle" with the group.

There is an injunction on the deceased giving information to the living, so I wonder how far the Orphic Circle got with the deceased humans.

However, the fairy folk are associated with the dead in folk lore. In practice, one can't separate the fairy and the deceased. So perhaps the Orphic Circle was focused on the fairy folk. It would depend on the rites of the dead, or if there were no rites at all. Not everyone goes to a Christian heaven or Muslim paradise. There are plenty of other places to go instead if one wishes to.

Graves wrote of other sources who said Orpheus was killed by Zeus for divulging divine secrets.

edit on 9/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness and clarity

Just to clarify the matter of the injunction of the dead giving information to the living.

While I haven't looked into it specifically, the injunction is not universal. The injunction can be found in western Christian deceased. They will appear with mouths gagged, wrists and ankles bound when they think you will ask them questions.

edit on 9/12/2023 by NobodySpecial268 because: added afterthought

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