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Parental Rights are on trial

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posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

originally posted by: greendust
I think that you should take them in. All of them. Only you can save them from these horrible religious parents. They obviously do not love them if they wont allow them to castrate themselves. Teach them that real love only comes by paying taxes and doing drugs and thinking about your sexual organs constantly. Real happiness only comes from sexual organs. Especially ones that no longer work properly and hurt almost all the time.

This akes me wonder why you're so obsessed with children's genitals?

You are a wonderous person whose mind shines like a billion suns made of pure intelligence.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:44 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion
During Covid, children were allowed to seek vaccinations without parental consent.

Regarding an experimental mRNA I think that crosses a huge line. A child can’t get a tattoo, even if a parent consented, yet, at least some states are offering gender affirming care without parental consent.

This isn’t about homosexuality, admittedly a difficult conversation for sure, but one that needs no medical affirmation, just love. Religious bias is indeed present and at times downright horrible, however the intentions of every teacher are not 100% either…if they were we wouldn’t have the countless cases of rape from both sexes in the news.

The safest arbitration for a child’s welfare is likely 99% parental, and in some difficult cases with professional mediation.

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:56 PM
what law(s) say a school board can over ride the u.s. 14th amendment?

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 06:58 PM
marxists trying to create a genetic slave race

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 07:03 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

some states allow abortion under 18 with no parent consent

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 09:56 PM

edit on Tue Aug 15 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2023 @ 10:43 PM
Children are very impressionable, and those on the autism spectrum are even more so. Statistics show that the majority of gender confused children are on the autism spectrum.

Transgender and nonbinary people are up to six times more likely to also have autism. This intersection has researchers trying to understand the connection and how society views these identities.]

Brains don't fully develop until age 25; puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery permanently change their identity before they've even had a chance to figure out who they are and what they want from life.

The rate of suicides among those who've had their bodies permanently altered are far higher than would be expected.

It seems there are only two camps; those for, and those against this agenda-which sure has a lot of money behind pushing it. I'd think people would want to know what the rush is; why is it so important to remove a child's identity before it's even had a chance to form?

There are more than enough red flags to make any reasonable person want to put the breaks on this, not turn it over to the states, schools and government to decide for us.

As for comments of 'that's not what this thread is about' and 'stick to the topic', it's DBCowboy's thread and it's only right HE decide whether someone is off topic. We should perhaps stay in our own lane and let him police his thread as he sees fit.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 12:27 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
… Statistics show that the majority of gender confused children are on the autism spectrum.

No it doesn’t and to say the majority of transgender or gender questioning children are autistic is nothing but a leap made in your own mind. While true that some of these kids are on the spectrum, a connection that is being researched, it does not mean the majority are and like they say, correlation does not equal causation.

Brains don't fully develop until age 25; puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery permanently change their identity before they've even had a chance to figure out who they are and what they want from life.

This is pop culture pseudo science and does not mean what you think it does. For example: The Myth of the 25-Year-Old-Brain

So I have to ask, what did you do with your life before the age of 25? Hopefully you didn’t make any permanent decisions or anything?

The rate of suicides among those who've had their bodies permanently altered are far higher than would be expected.

Citation needed.

The rates for suicide are far higher for those that wanted transition related care and were unable to receive it.

In most cases, suicide results from lack of acceptance and societal ostracization, not regret or dissatisfaction. Gender dysphoria can be a nightmarish bitch and sometimes even doing everything that can be done is not enough to reduce it but overall, people that have gone through the process are reportedly generally satisfied and experience an improved quality of life.

As for comments of 'that's not what this thread is about' and 'stick to the topic', it's DBCowboy's thread and it's only right HE decide whether someone is off topic. We should perhaps stay in our own lane and let him police his thread as he sees fit

So who is policing the thread now? It just seems strange in a topic about whether teachers should be forced to or prohibited from outing gender diverse children to their parents manages to wander off into people expressing their mostly negative opinions on these kids and the trans condition in general when it is pretty much assured that no one has ever known or dealt with one of these kids or had a close relationship with someone trans.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 02:18 AM
Ever go sit for a day in family court as audience?

Its more effective than birth control.

In less than a quarter of the day: I dont want any boy friends or girl friends, less than half a day: I dont want a husband or wife. at three quarters of a day: I don't even want or like kids. Made it a full day? All those people just want my stuff! I'm out of here!

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I'm for protecting kids against sick parents... I absolutely am.
Are you not?
Do you think in some instances like circumcission parents should have the right to harm their kids?

Where does parental right stop?

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Thats all we need to see the double-standards from those really sick, at least let other parents have their sick way with their kids too. If you are not willing to stop your sick practice how do you reason against other sick practice, you have no leg to stand on...

different issue completely.

anyone who doesn't condemn circumcission is just as sick a parent as those that let their kids have gender reassignment therapy.....

Maybe context helps you understand the topic I was adding to...

DBCowboy said

Are all parents good? Hell no, some go along and willingly mutilate the sex organs of their children.

ADO said

Dogwhistle much?
It is extraordinarily rare for anyone under 18 to have genital surgery.

It's a sort of a you reap what you sow situation.... all the religious folks screaming about minors getting mutilated sounds rather hypocritical.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 07:52 AM

originally posted by: greendust

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

A parent or parents should always determine for their children. Are all parents good? Hell no, some go along and willingly mutilate the sex organs of their children.

But parental rights are also individual rights. The collective approach is wrong because not everyone thinks the same or feels the same.

My wife is a high school teacher, she has told me that 99% of her students doing this fad are young girls. She says that the ones that get away from it are the ones that eventually get boyfriends. She says usually it is the more homely types that seem to be doing so more for attention than for any real reason. She told me that there is usually an alpha in the group that pushes them into more and more bizarre behavior. The alpha female is usually at least gay.

When she meets the parents, she says that the parents are bewildered people who are as confused as their children and probably haven't given their children normal human needs as communication and empathy. So when the kid finally presents this behavior then the parents are forced to "see" them and communicate with them, but they dont know how so they go along with everything the kid is sayiing. She has told me that probably 90 percent of the kids are single parent homes with no real male influence either by having a deadbeat father or a mother that has forced the father from their lives in legal ways. An addition: She also says that there have been a couple of moms she has met that have set off her spidey senses that the mother is abusing their daughters sexually. Sorry to say that, but I am sure that is also an issue.

Whatever you think of this problem, and it is a problem, I believe my wife is accurate with her thoughts as she has been in the public school system now for 23 years and is also the head of the art department which is the type of class all of these poor confused children are attracted to like moths to a flame.

That's an interesting perspective. Thanks

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

How about waiting for the child to be 18 to do whatever they want with their body, leave the children alone, plain a simple, schools should never be promoters of anything but regular education, you know the old math, reading, science and language comprehension.

Is a lot of money been funneled by LGBT promoters in order to make schools grooming grounds for their agendas.

In the US we can send millions and billions of dollars to useless countries like Ukraine war, to protect corrupted governments, but our own government social programs cannot take care of homeless children at home? you tell me.

Schools are not homeless shelters.

posted on Aug, 16 2023 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Depends on the state; But most of them have the age of 18 as sexual consent without parents OKing it age of 20 for any religion without parents OKing it and at 24 entirely off the parents taxes as dependent deductions and on their own tax record.

Federal has all of that at 18 as an fyi so when a politician at the federal level says other numbers like 21? Thats a nod to the states that they can keep it even though federal is still locked in at age 18 through the first Continental congress.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 05:51 AM
this stuff is having a dire effect, in the uk its evolved into ghost children with the cons denying its the cost of the lockdowns and the left denying its activist teachers.. reality its both activist teachers and declinist politics do not offer the next generation anything worth living for let alone worth having children..

at this point anything with a positive visions that is not being poor cold, hungry and miserable will be embraced with both hands by the kids coming through as common sense reason will always previal over these periods of insanity..

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:48 AM
a reply to: nickyw

Whats weird is the UK discovered Crack and Jerry Springier... Meanwhile; King Charles III; Still a Prince at the time was being amazed by clear plastic wrap.

So the Britannia's have discovered the US; in the late 1980's and early 1990's.

While Spain; Begins a long slow clap in their general direction circa 1482.

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