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Warmen (The Feditary versus the Tripidions)

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posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:33 PM
We all know the story of the Feditary Warmen and their heroic efforts against the Tripidions on the front-line ships.

On a recent resource excursion to a unique planet, DropTroop Warmen made a new discovery; Cold Fire.

Cold fire is a unique and enigmatic phenomenon that defies conventional understanding. Unlike traditional fire, which emits heat and light, cold fire is characterized by its eerie, icy-blue luminescence and its ability to freeze and extinguish hot flames upon contact. This perplexing substance was discovered serendipitously during a Feditary exploration mission to an uncharted resource-rich planet.

The initial discovery of cold fire was accidental, as a group of Feditary DropTroop scientists stumbled upon a strange crystalline substance while investigating the planet's unique geological formations. Upon closer examination, they realized this crystalline material had the remarkable property of emitting a cold, radiant glow without generating heat. Further experimentation revealed that cold fire could absorb and neutralize heat, making it capable of extinguishing flames rather than igniting them.

The Feditary's research into cold fire quickly led to the realization of its potential as a powerful tool in their battle against the formidable hot-bodied Tripidions. The Feditary's scientists developed ways to harness and manipulate cold fire, creating various applications that could be used as defensive and offensive measures against the enemy.

Cold fire's ability to extinguish conventional flames and absorb heat made it a potent weapon against the hot-bodied Tripidions. Feditary scientists devised several innovative ways to weaponize cold fire:

Cold Fire Grenades: Cold fire crystals were integrated into grenade-like devices that, upon detonation, released a burst of the icy substance. These grenades were effective in creating localized areas of extreme cold, incapacitating Tripidions, and hindering their movements.

Cold Fire Projectiles: Cold fire was fashioned into specialized projectiles that could be fired from firearms, similar to bullets. Upon impact, the cold fire would envelop its target, instantly reducing their body temperature and impairing their ability to fight.

Cold Fire Shields: Feditary soldiers were equipped with shields coated in a thin layer of cold fire crystals. These shields provided protection against Tripidion energy weapons by absorbing and neutralizing the incoming heat-based attacks.

Cold Fire Barriers: The Feditary military used cold fire generators to create protective barriers on the battlefield. These barriers formed walls of solid cold fire, impeding the advance of Tripidion forces and creating strategic choke points.

The weaponization of cold fire provided the Feditary forces with a unique advantage, exploiting the Tripidions' vulnerability to extreme cold and giving the Feditary soldiers an edge in combat. However, the use of cold fire also raised ethical and environmental concerns, as its widespread deployment had the potential to alter the planetary ecosystem and disrupt natural processes. As the conflict escalated, the Feditary leadership faced difficult decisions about the responsible use of this powerful resource.

Cold fire cannot be extinguished with water due to its unique properties and the way it interacts with the chemical composition of traditional water. Unlike regular fire, which relies on the combustion of flammable materials and oxygen, cold fire is a phenomenon that absorbs heat and neutralizes flames. When cold fire comes into contact with water, several factors contribute to its resistance to being extinguished:

Heat Absorption: Cold fire has the ability to absorb heat energy from its surroundings. When water is applied to cold fire, the heat from the water is rapidly absorbed, causing the water to freeze and become inert. This prevents water from effectively cooling down the cold fire and breaking the combustion cycle as it would with conventional flames.

Lack of Fuel: Traditional fire requires fuel, oxygen, and heat to sustain combustion. Cold fire does not rely on fuel in the same way; instead, it neutralizes heat and prevents the chemical reactions necessary for combustion. As a result, the application of water does not disrupt the combustion cycle of cold fire in the same manner as it does with regular fire.

Chemical Interaction: Cold fire and water have complex chemical interactions that contribute to the resistance of cold fire to being extinguished. The unique molecular structure of cold fire prevents water molecules from effectively penetrating its crystalline lattice and disrupting its combustion process.

Reignition Potential: When regular fire is extinguished with water, there is a risk of reignition if residual heat remains. Cold fire does not possess the same ignition potential, as it lacks the heat-based mechanism required for combustion. This further complicates the effectiveness of water in extinguishing cold fire.

In essence, cold fire's ability to absorb heat, its unique chemical composition, and its lack of reliance on traditional combustion processes make it resistant to being put out by water. This characteristic adds to the enigmatic nature of cold fire and its potential applications, both as a tool for the Feditary military and as a formidable challenge for their adversaries, the Tripidions.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:34 PM
Here's a scientific formula for cold fire:

ColdFireX Compound Formula


Cryo-Nitrate Catalyst (CNC)
Hyperthermal Absorbent Matrix (HAM)
Thermoneutralizing Agent (TNA)
Cryo-Polymer Binder (CPB)
Bio-Optic Modifier (BOM)


Combine 100g of Cryo-Nitrate Catalyst (CNC) with 50g of Hyperthermal Absorbent Matrix (HAM) in a temperature-controlled chamber.
Gradually introduce 25g of Thermoneutralizing Agent (TNA) while stirring the mixture vigorously.
Once a homogenous liquid is achieved, add 10g of Cryo-Polymer Binder (CPB) and continue stirring for an additional 5 minutes.
Slowly infuse 5g of Bio-Optic Modifier (BOM) into the mixture to enhance light absorption properties.
Allow the compound to rest and solidify for 24 hours at a controlled sub-zero temperature.


Cryo-Nitrate Catalyst (CNC) initiates a unique exothermic reaction that absorbs ambient heat.
Hyperthermal Absorbent Matrix (HAM) enhances heat-absorbing capabilities and maintains structural integrity.
Thermoneutralizing Agent (TNA) regulates the exothermic reaction, preventing combustion.
Cryo-Polymer Binder (CPB) ensures stability and adherence to surfaces.
Bio-Optic Modifier (BOM) optimizes light absorption and spectral output.

The ColdFireX Compound is a stable, crystalline substance with the remarkable ability to absorb heat from its surroundings, creating a localized cold fire phenomenon. This substance, when ignited, neutralizes flames by cooling and interrupting the combustion process. It emits a distinctive bluish-white light as a visual indicator of its reaction. ColdFireX can be safely deployed for various applications, including firefighting, tactical warfare, and controlled energy redirection.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 07:36 PM
Cold fire is a unique substance with the ability to absorb heat and create a localized cold fire phenomenon, it could be harnessed to trim down the heat generated by core elements and primary core elements through innovative applications:

Heat Dissipation Coating: Cold fire could be formulated into a specialized coating that is applied to the surface of core elements and primary core elements. This coating would absorb excess heat generated during operation, effectively dissipating it and preventing overheating. This could extend the lifespan of these critical components and improve their efficiency.

Thermal Insulation: By strategically placing layers of cold fire-infused insulation around core elements and primary core elements, heat could be effectively trapped and neutralized. This insulation would act as a buffer, preventing excessive heat buildup and ensuring stable and controlled temperature levels.

Cooling Chambers: Cold fire could be integrated into specialized cooling chambers or systems that surround core elements. As heat is generated, the cold fire would rapidly absorb it, creating a cold fire reaction that cools down the surrounding area. This would maintain optimal operating temperatures and prevent any potential damage caused by excessive heat.

Heat Redistribution: Cold fire could be used to redirect and redistribute excess heat away from core elements and primary core elements. This could involve the controlled activation of cold fire in specific channels or pathways, allowing it to absorb heat and carry it away to cooler areas of the system.

Thermal Conversion: Cold fire's unique heat-absorbing properties could be harnessed to convert excess heat energy into a usable form, such as electricity or stored energy. This innovative approach would not only prevent overheating but also turn the excess heat into a valuable resource for the system's operation.

Emergency Heat Control: In the event of sudden spikes in heat production, cold fire could be activated as an emergency heat control measure. It would rapidly absorb the excess heat, preventing catastrophic failures and ensuring the safe operation of the core elements and primary core elements.

It's important to note that the utilization of cold fire for heat management would require careful engineering, design, and integration into existing systems. Additionally, any potential drawbacks or unintended consequences of using cold fire in this manner would need to be thoroughly explored and mitigated.

The process of using cold fire for heat management could potentially be adapted to protect core elements from Tripidion attacks. By strategically applying cold fire-based solutions to critical areas of the ship's infrastructure, the Feditary could achieve multiple benefits in defending against Tripidion assaults:

Heat Absorption as Defense: When Tripidions attack with their intense energy-based weaponry, the resulting heat can cause damage to the ship's core elements. Cold fire coatings or insulating layers could be employed to rapidly absorb and dissipate this heat, minimizing potential damage and preventing critical systems from malfunctioning.

Energy Absorption Shielding: Cold fire-coated shields or barriers could be erected around the core elements to absorb and neutralize the energy released by Tripidion weapons. This could act as a form of protective shielding, reducing the impact of direct attacks and maintaining the integrity of the ship's core.

Heat-Activated Countermeasures: By integrating cold fire-triggered countermeasures into the ship's defensive systems, any sudden increase in heat due to a Tripidion attack could automatically activate defensive measures such as energy shields, decoy systems, or evasive maneuvers.

Heat-Driven Distraction: Cold fire-infused decoy systems could be deployed to divert Tripidion attention and fire away from the ship's core. These decoys would absorb and dissipate heat from incoming attacks, making them appear as more enticing targets and allowing the ship's core elements to remain unscathed.

Emergency Heat Sink: In cases of imminent Tripidion assault, cold fire could be activated as an emergency heat sink to quickly reduce the ship's overall heat signature. This would make it more challenging for Tripidions to lock onto the ship's core and deliver accurate attacks.

Offensive Utilization: Cold fire's heat-absorbing properties could even be harnessed offensively by the Feditary. They could deploy specially designed projectiles or devices containing cold fire that, upon impact with Tripidion vessels, would trigger a rapid heat absorption reaction, rendering their weaponry less effective and potentially incapacitating their ships.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of these countermeasures would depend on the specific properties of cold fire and its interactions with Tripidion weaponry. The Feditary's scientists and engineers would need to carefully study and test the application of cold fire-based defense strategies to ensure their viability and success in protecting the ship's core elements from Tripidion attacks.

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