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Pure Unadulterated Evil

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posted on Aug, 2 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: FingerMan

Everything I said is scientifically valid as far as I'm aware. The only speculative thing I said was the statement about reverse-engineering. If you're saying LK-99 itself is still speculative then I would agree, I can't believe such a massive breakthrough has been made until I see a rigorous replication and confirmation of the superconducting properties at room temperature.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: FingerMan

I mean, I don't really disagree with what you said. But it really had nothing to do with my post.

Well good. There are are a few remarks in this thread I could of pick issue with. One of yours got me started, I see a lot of common ground in how we navigate this battlefield. If the rest of my rant was off topic, take it as I agree with your main perspective. Maybe if you get too far off the rails it falls into the too hard basket and I ain't 't got time for that these days. But if a train fell in my own back yard tomorrow I guess I would just have to make time for that.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Sorry to tell you, but the real Aliens are from Mount Tai. It's one of the five Sacred Mountains of China. Ever wonder why people worship it.

Reminds me of Keel mentioning "The King of the World" who lived on top of a mountain in the Himalayas (Shambhala), and who on occasion sent out flying saucers to keep tabs on humanity.


posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 06:39 AM
a reply to: Evidenceandnotes

I agree that many of the reported activities of the "others" reflect military activity or activity like resources exploitation.

Whatever is going on, it ain't all peaches and cream.


posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

If this is legitimate it will allow us to transmit energy with virtually no losses at all and also generate energy with nearly 100% efficiency

Will it really? For DC systems sounds like some gains, as for transmitting over distance how much improvement over AC? Lets say is gets an 20-1000% transmission improvement. Do you think the average consumer will see any of that? Is the corprotracy on energy billing is what it isr, maybe one day.

If LK-99 really works, its gonna take take time to wire up the planet. Australia only competed it's first national loop of bitichim road a couple of decades or so ago.

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: Darkstar654
very well written and thought provoking.
I come from te other end of the continuum and whilst I have no problem with any beleif system I am cautious about imprinting them on current (or potential) scientific discovery. and explainng everything in terms of a spiritual good and evil battle; angels v demons with our free will as the deciding factor.

There are certainly things we may be able to learn or conclude form say the bible relating to otherworldly experiences that defy explanation, Jesus has in some cases been regarded as an Alien, the angels and demons could be put into that category knowing what we know now.

I doubt the curretn round of intrigue has a mystical explanation though, I respect religion but thinking purely and objectively about what I know I come down to this...given the 14.7 billion years, that all matter has existed, smashing in to all matter has in some cases given rise to pockets of life, some new and primitive, and some old and advanced, and one day by pure achaotic chance one will bump into the other.

the starcount is now 3e10-24 the planet count only conservatively estimated at 3000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Our star mapping still has polar blind spots where we are missing at least half the infomation but it is likely once we accurately start counting from our axies the count will prbably quickly double and be closer to 10x6e10-24 or 6000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 600 Septillion, this is the first time we have a count of septillion in a space where you could travel at light's Constant "C" or 186,000 miles per second and it would take you 14 billion years to get anywhere near the edge.

So my money is on almost infinite chaos, resource and time creating consciousness rather than any plan or design i'm sure civiliasiations have lived and died before us, and will after us.

If an alien landed here today, I'm sure some would relate them more to religious history and deify them or damn them as a devil regardless of their intent, morals or actions.

If an alien did come down and boom "I am your God" as he rolled oun thunderclouds out of the heavens...I wonder how many of us would say "Oh no you are not, prove it, ID please, etc.

Interesting debate.

reply to: FingerMan

That is a great point. I agree with you 100%.

But I do believe I have an answer to that. And my answer may not please some people.

I believe that there are two things that exist simultaneously.
- What you want to be the truth. Your belief system.
- What is in fact the truth, regardless of your belief system.

You know, hell could be a place of endless torture and an endless abyss of loneliness forever and ever.
Or, it could be something akin to what you believed, which wasn't as great an idea as you thought it was. Hence distance from God and Creation, in some formless void where God throws his hands up and says "Fine, have it your way! I'm done with you!"

The major point of my post here is = A belief system is not just what you believe to be true. It is what you WANT and ENDEVOUR to be true. I think current generations miss the point on belief, and see it as believing in ghosts or the boogeyman.

Here is another example of why a belief structure is important: The quote "I believe in my country and that it is the shining light bringing hope and freedom to the darkest regions of the world."
Obviously, this belief structure would influence such things to happen. I believe this, therefore I will enact this, support this, yell this from the rooftops, and be a part of this as I wish this to be the truth.

Such is a belief system in religion. Only one caveat to religion and belief. There is only one religion that is backed up with proof. That is the Judeo/Christian religion. And that is an entirely different topic where I would present and discuss all of the prophecies that have come true from the Old Testament. And all the prophecies that are coming true within our lifetimes, and those that will come. Of course having a belief system in that is highly ridiculed in secular society, being called "end of the world freaks" and such. While some of that ridicule is warranted, we have a fringe, that ridicule is mostly there to dissuade young questioning minds from giving it a serious look.
edit on 3-8-2023 by FingerMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2023 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

Eielson AFB in central alaska is supposedly going to have a micro reactor in 2025 (I am guessing based off the sub set up and adjusted as needed) to help with the power on base and I would guess once its fully online the surrounding area.
edit on 3-8-2023 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

The otherworlders who occasionally visit our planet, have visibly displayed their wonderful flying machines to us. And they've proven to us that they have harnessed fusion power, by having a magnetically contained fusion power plasma shield surrounding their starships at times in our atmosphere.

I'm sorry that I can't post a picture that I took in 1972, at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland (because it involves another person in the picture that I don't have permission from him to post it on this website) --- But it shows a purported laser holographic image (that I didn't see when I took that picture) of a purported dinosauroid humanoid (what some people might call the "Grays"), and directly above a possible laser holographic, spelled image of "Gaods" --- so I figured that's what they call themselves.

If my tale is true...I had a close encounter of the third kind, but I didn't see the alien or aliens when I took the pictures.

Was I harmed or molested in any way during my photo OP? I figured that they are benevolent and highly intelligent creatures.
edit on 4-8-2023 by Erno86 because: typo

edit on 4-8-2023 by Erno86 because: spelling

edit on 4-8-2023 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Aug, 11 2023 @ 08:54 PM
In the broad overview -and especially from the turn of the century- there does seem to be a decidedly anti-human agenda, subtle and not, that goes beyond the usual economic/historical variations.

It seems to transcend greed to attack humans at the biological, psychological/ cultural levels.

If it was only the "Agenda 2030" I'm not sure the extremes we're seeing would be necessary.

Regretful God? Xenophobic "aliens?" GAI with a grudge? "Demons?" Sociopath billionaires? A mix? Dunno... but it sure seems to be objectively real (if such things are possible)... and getting 'realer.'

posted on Aug, 12 2023 @ 04:56 PM
There are entities out there who exploit, aubse and seek to profit by manipulating human psychology and our basic needs.

It's very complex, and the trick is to see how they manipulate and become immune to their tactics.

posted on Aug, 18 2023 @ 06:04 AM

posted on Sep, 12 2023 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: ChaoticOrder
It appears we are finally reaching a point in history where the truth about UFOs/UAPs is being slowly revealed to the public through a slow organised disclosure campaign, even though it seems like some powerful people are still trying to prevent it.

Sorry, but I don't believe a word coming from the mouths of any of these people.

To use the word truth in relation to disclosure is pretty f'ing naive if you ask me.

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