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Eating every other day?

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posted on May, 29 2023 @ 10:50 AM
It's not a problem to me and I am able to consume very few calories in one day and then have the normal amount of calories the day after. I find this diet very healthy for those who can stick to this plan without trying to make up for the calories missed on that day and the purpose is to have a controlled amount of calories during the week with much less sugar and carbohydrates. I am not in favor of starvation at given days by the way.

Your thoughts on this?

edit on 29-5-2023 by linda72 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: linda72
It's not a problem to me and I am able to consume very few calories in one day and then have the normal amount of calories the day after. I find this diet very healthy for those who can stick to this plan without trying to make up for the calories missed on that day and the purpose is to have a controlled amount of calories during the week with much less sugar and carbohydrates. I am not in favor of starvation at given days by the way.

Your thoughts on this?


I understand where you are coming from, if you are already close to your target weight I agree 1000%

But to lose lots of weight for me, at least initially, I needed the regimen

intermittent fasting really worked well, 24-36 hours fast a week and just eating one meal in a four-hour window the rest of the time helped me lose loads of weight, which I had struggled for years to lose. Even in the 4-hour window, I eat healthy though and I now don't feel like Im restricting or punishing myself at all. No sugar except a little honey in my tea and occasionally whatever sugar the fruit im eating has. It's not just the weight my digestion is so much better.

I do take vitamins and supplements and a probiotic and im a huge believer in fermented foods benefits too

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: linda72

If it works for you do it. Intermittent fasting do make a difference and that is even if you do not count calories and limit sugar and carbohydrates intake. Even 16 hour not eating 8 hour eating per day makes the body work better. Keto diet is not for everybody but it does make a difference.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: putnam6


posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: linda72

"They" say this is unhealthy but I tend to do this naturally without thinking about it. It was more so when I smoked as the nicotine made me less hungry.

I would just eat when I was hungry (while not just a minor urge to eat something) which meant one big meal every day or other day. Though, I don't do any excessive body workouts so I use up few calories. Perhaps that has everything to do with it. I know if I moved around more - was much more active, I would hunger to consume more.

In all of that - I'm still considered a little on the chubby side. 180lbs @ 5'9".

If I had to guess, I'd say your body tends to form itself around your own habits. The length and quality of life would probably depend on the kind of nutrition you put into your body and if you keep it that way, I'm thinking your body adapts and it takes on that flow.

But that's just my thoughts on it.
edit on CDT0705bAmerica/ChicagoMon, 29 May 2023 12:07:13 -050013 by Timber13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: linda72

If your body can sustain it, nothing wrong with it. Plenty of people around the world eat very little and live long lives.

If you really want the benefit of fasting, do a 4 day fast every month. Our white blood cells, or leukocytes, are the basis of our immune system. They get made in the bone marrow and generally have a short life, 2-3 days. Over those 4 days you are allowing and speeding up their deaths, followed by a generation and replenishment of all the ones that died. You effectively renew or rebuild your immune system.

Also look up ketosis and what it does to the body. You have to know what you're doing and the ketosis window is very narrow. But it happens during fasting and it affects the WBC count.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: linda72

Been like that my whole life. 1 meal a day...maybe not. I get by on every other day...drives my wife crazy(3 meals daily)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 04:58 PM
Calories here, calories there...

Calories are fake. War on (unrefined, non-isolated but as is, natural) sugar is to make you depressed, numb, stupid and nudge you towards pornography, alcohol or (inclusive) drugs and thus enrich jab-enforcing physicians, disciples of Doctor WHO. I myself eat no less than 600 g of Tunisian dattes daily and am doing quite fine.

No meat or carbohydrates, though. The latter don't mix harmoniously with dattes (bloated face ensues.)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 05:58 PM
I enjoy fasting a few days out of the week. I don’t usually fast a full day, but try and give myself 18 hours between meals when I’m able. I feel bloated if I eat 2/3 meals a day over a week. a reply to: linda72

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: Gentzen

Calories are a unit of energy. That ain’t fake. Sugar is there to drive you to porn? Stay on your meds. Btw you know those dates have sugar right? Are you just explaining your habits to the class?

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: ITSALIVE
a reply to: Gentzen

Calories are a unit of energy. That ain’t fake. Sugar is there to drive you to porn? Stay on your meds. Btw you know those dates have sugar right? Are you just explaining your habits to the class?

Did you even read the message, you misunderstood it. Here it is, again :

Calories here, calories there...

Calories are fake. *** War on (unrefined, non-isolated but as is, natural) sugar is to make you depressed, numb, stupid and nudge you towards pornography, alcohol or (inclusive) drugs and thus enrich jab-enforcing physicians, disciples of Doctor WHO. I myself eat no less than 600 g of Tunisian dattes daily and am doing quite fine. ***

No meat or carbohydrates, though. The latter don't mix harmoniously with dattes (bloated face ensues.)

How is it that you managed to read into it its diametrical opposite?

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: putnam6

I just had my aortic heart valve replaced and my surgeon wants me to lose 20 pounds. He told me to eat every other day. I will report back!

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: ITSALIVE

If you don't have food for a number of hours brings a lot of health benefits from my own experience. I don't fast for a full day either but I try to have a limited amount of calories in that particular day.

edit on 30-5-2023 by linda72 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: linda72

Impossible for me, i go for an hour run in the morning then work 12 hours per day, constantly on my feet, climbing, crawling, lifting etc.

I’d literally collapse without food. I’d imagine it’s different if you don’t burn a lot of energy in the day.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: LittleByLittle
a reply to: putnam6


Yep, love kimchi, and sauerkraut too, but kimchi I'll usually just eat half a cup of by itself

Somebody here on ATS mentioned how it makes soups, ramen, and stirfry so much better, and it really does I use it all the time now. I'll even have a favorite place I order it from in New Jersey, but I'm always on the lookout for authentic kimchi

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: JJproductions
a reply to: putnam6

I just had my aortic heart valve replaced and my surgeon wants me to lose 20 pounds. He told me to eat every other day. I will report back!

Definitely listen to him and find a regimen that fits you.

All I know is I was always big, but when my father got cancer and we ultimately lost him 19 months later, all the stress and depression,I ballooned from 230 to over 435 lbs in a little over 2 years. LOL Im sure he would say don't blame your lack of self-discipline on me, you fat dumbazz LOL. But finally, my health issues and my doctor made me change. I am down to 260 in 2 years virtually zero exercises and nothing but diet and fasting.

Once my health started to falter I tried everything every fad, pill, or gummy. I do drink ACV so who knows, but it's really the intermittent fasting the no sugar and no-low carbs for me. Before I was pre-diabetic, had poor kidney function, high cholesterol, etc. Now all my blood and other tests are clean and my acid reflux and GERD have stopped and my digestion is so much better.

Now it's the last 80 pounds or so, it finally feels obtainable

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: linda72

Impossible for me, i go for an hour run in the morning then work 12 hours per day, constantly on my feet, climbing, crawling, lifting etc.

I’d literally collapse without food. I’d imagine it’s different if you don’t burn a lot of energy in the day.

I get it, if you work hard for 12 hours a day it's impossible not to have food.

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