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First Graders Allegedly Force Girl to Perform Sex Act

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posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: nugget1

i recall a girl in my primary school in the early 80s used to show her downstairs bits under the table, i guess some kids unfortunatly are exposed to sexual things before they have maturity of what they are doing, the blame IMO rests with the boys who commited the act (coercing this poor girl) and the parents of the boys for clearly not raising them with any modicum of respect, there does not seem to be a suggestion in the highlighted text you provided that this was any part of the school cirriculam, thankfully.

The parents often are not aware of what is happening in the schools, and now since the advent of Common Core and the Siecus overlay in sex Ed in schools, there is little the parents can do when this stuff is constantly being fed to their children. I remember Obama campaigning on teaching the children “age appropriate sex Ed” even for kindergartners. I remember the Saddleback Forum, wherein in answer to questions, Obama stated that one if his biggest concerns was the “abuse of parents.” He very clearly was putting parents against the State, and people in education after he was ejected began to say things like “parents do not own their children” etc because they are Statists, and like John Dewey, the father of our modern pedagogy in education, believe that the children “belong to the a State”. The position reflects the ideas in HRCs book, “It Takes A Village.” Unfortunately, many people have accepted the premise of socialism that the children belong to the State, and they it is parents who are the enemy. It was Obama who promoted this as POTUS more than any other President. There is a difference between community and communism, which socialism is a step, an intermediary between Capitalism and Communism. Socialism is always embedded in Communist, and Communism is the ultimate expression of Statism in the larger communities of the world.
The parents are the guardians and natural sponsors of their children, and the more the State encroaches on that sacred duty and wrests control from the parents, the more we are going to see the tragedies of the Wokism engendering the sexualizing of the children. This is not to say parents aren’t responsible, but the more the State controls, the less the parents can do, we had seen this happening more when the “educators” in the socialist NEA began implementing “Values Clarification”, which pits the schools against the parents, and removing the role of parents in the upbringing of their children. This has been a very real and deliberate activity. What is the reason you may ask? Well, it is because the State wants control and wants to indoctrinate the children to be “cogs in the wheel”, as the late Professor Antony Sutton explained in his book,”How the Order Controls Education.” Sutton talks about John Dewey, and how his Statist thinking influenced our modern education.
This is one avenue they are using to bring in the One World Government. Make no mistake, Karl Marx hated tge “bougeois family” unit, and wanted to eliminate it. This is the core of what is going on today in the schools. All the solids, all the allowing of sexually explicit books, media, and education tools are geared toward eliminating the family unit in our society, Nowcwe see all the drag shows involving parents bringing their own children to these venues because the schools and the culture are promoting it.
Here is a recent Gateway Pundit story expose on the smut being promoted to children and families. It’s a travesty

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: litterbaux
a reply to: Quadrivium

After reading your comment, I'm even more on the fence of government supervision. On one hand it does make sense to have body cams on these deranged teachers allowing sexual acts in first grade. On the other hand I don't want the government media telling me that a .223 round is excessive while a .22 round is fine.

We are in a weird place right now in this country and I would definately agree that they are targetting the children for whatever reason. I hope it's not to exploit them in some sexual way but all of the evidence so far says, yeah.

Noah? The boat? Anytime now.....

The problem is much deeper. The core of this is explicit sexualisation of the children in schools and now even in libraries and bars and wherever else they are doing it. Please see my last post on the subject.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: ToneDeaf

posted by: litterbaux
What you are wanting is a police state

You've got that backwards.
Definition : A police state
describes a state whose government institutions
exercise an extreme level of control
over civil society.

Security cameras with audio would be for the
benefit of the families, parents, and students;
obviously not for the benefit of the administration.


Problem/Reaction/Solution …. The core of so much of this. They create the problem and the reaction, then give us their (Statist totalitarian) solution. The CFR is notorious for using this basis of the Hegelian Dialectic in what they refer to as “Managed conflict”. We can see this ideology reflected in the many wars around the world. I can guarantee that they are involved in the current exploitation of the Ukraine War, and it’s the basis of the involvement of the UN in wars, poverty, health, family olsnnibe, “climate change” environmentalism and the Green Agenda”, and population control.
Please see Rosa Koire’s book, “ Behind the Green Mask” for a good analysis of the UN Agenda 21.
Here’s another good source

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:31 PM

originally posted by: Quadrivium
This is the type of crap they are pushing on kids.
This is what telling little Johnny, "you know Johnny, you may be a girl. Are you suuurrreee you're a boy? Well, you might not be a boy or a girl".
This is the sick crap you get when you have a teacher, a damn AUTHORITY FIGURE, telling 5 & 6 year Olds about their personal lives, sexual orientations and how it's all "ok".
It is child abuse.
It is sick.
Anyone that says differently must condone it.

This stuff started in the schools with Values Clarification, which is designed to rip the children from the influence of their parents. As with any knife, it cuts both ways. But itvwss deigned to remove the patents influence and replace with the State. And what is the all-powerful State doing now? They are getting kids butchered even without the parental knowledge or consent. This would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.
Again, as I keep saying, the core is much deeper. And I would add the present amount of child trafficking and media exploitation, including the recnt recent Balenciaga ads targeting children.
Here is an article on values clarification by Cornell University

When groups of “concerned par­ents” first voiced objections to the use of values clarification in the public schools, proponents of the Method typically brushed aside their complaints as little more than reaction­ary right-wing response to educational innovation. After all, Lewis Raths, Merrill Harmin, and Sidney Simon, who had originated the method in the mid­dle 1960s, had explicitly stated that they were interested not in teaching particular values, but only in clarifying the student’s own values.

It’s just the tip of the iceberg, but there are plenty of resources on the Internet, if you are interested.
edit on 7-5-2023 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 04:09 PM
When i was in school boys swam nude and in some schools so did girls, just at a different time.
And in the summer at the ya old swimming,hole, boys and girls swam nude with no adults around.

At 72 years old, i am still a nudist.
a few years ago at a class reunion some of us went back to the old swimming hole for the day. it was a co-ed day and nude.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 07:11 PM
Perhaps the idiots/groomers in charge will start to realise that filling the libraries with 'Gender Queer' was a very, very bad idea, hazardous to their immediate & long-term health if incidents like this continue to cause the requisite outrage they rightly deserve, forcing the hand of parents into acting to protect their kids in ways that the teaching & faculty/ school board staff may find appropriately motivating.

But always remember, 'they' are looking for the opportunity to come down hard on the parents who resist this movement of groomers in schools, so everyone must tread carefully until it is unambiguously a direct attempt to inculcate perversion & corruption in the school classroom by those who occupy it to supposedly teach & shepherd the young. I wonder how the parents of that little girl are feeling right about now?

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: ANNED

None of that has anything to do with the pedophilic grooming occurring in schools in the modern day. Your comments seem to suggest that there is nothing untoward happening in schools today. With the greatest respect you are old, and you don't seem to have a clue what's going on.

Perhaps go to the library & obtain 'Gender Queer' from the children's section. Give it a read & ask yourself whether that's something that first graders should be able to read/view pictures regarding. The whole point is that there is an organised effort being promoted & pushed on schoolchildren which involves a drive to make them behave in sexually maature ways at a very young age, far too young to be doing any of what is included in that particular book, for example.

This movement originates with white liberals & LGBTQ+ community organisers & activists, and the school boards/ faculty/ teaching staff are going along with the agenda uncritically, essentially grooming the kids for sexual activities with adults. The whole idea is to seed these thoughts into all children, so that no matter where in the nation the pedophile may be, he knows that kids locally will understand what he wants, and can be made to believe that they want it too. It's a long con, and they've almost achieved their goals.

Nothing to do with naturist bathing.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:23 PM
Apparently, these boys have done this to other girls too. So this isn't about sex education, or politics.
It's about a crime...

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:10 AM
Ah yes, public school. Where math education still matters. Witness the lowest common denominator.

a reply to: UpThenDown

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:12 AM
Teachers have teacher's aids so that ALL the children can be monitored ALL the time!

a reply to: Allaroundyou

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: briantaylor

Whaddaya wanna bet these young boys have quite the internet search history?

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