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Is this really another sad truth: Orgonite.

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posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 01:25 AM
I assume we had a massive production and spread of orgonite all over the world. Right, me, a young child from nowhere back then even made some.

Tower busters, cloud busters and what not. How to's were around the internet on how to make these. Tower busters had a massive effect on the climate bringing rain in dry places for example. I read articles these were succesfully used in parts of Africa.

I estimate orgonite was made by the 10.000's and shipped all over the earth over the last period of 20 years.

Since these instruments affect climate, could they be at the source of climate change?

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 01:50 AM
Yes.....we need a device to counter these right away.....maybe an earthbuster.. reply to: Untun

edit on 5-3-2023 by Faeded because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2023 @ 01:51 AM
Oh well, climate change is despite the increase of greenhouse gasses, but what influence do these pucks and busters have.

I recall having made one and as I went outside to have a look on how it was curing I noticed something attracted to it. You could say it was ghostlike in nature, the type you see in cartoons, but it had no human form, it was rather something random abstract in shape, about 30cm wide.

Maybe I shouldn't be so concerned on having a hand in climate change.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 10:16 AM
You have to consider all the HAARP transmitters spread through the world now.
180 of them the last count I saw.
The US Air Force announced in 2012 that by 2025 they would own the weather.
I wonder when they are going to begin this plan?
They now have the ability to move the Arctic and Tropical jetstreams paths and can even change it's altitudes.
Imagine what they are doing with the atmospheric rivers now.

originally posted by: Untun
I assume we had a massive production and spread of orgonite all over the world. Right, me, a young child from nowhere back then even made some.

Tower busters, cloud busters and what not. How to's were around the internet on how to make these. Tower busters had a massive effect on the climate bringing rain in dry places for example. I read articles these were succesfully used in parts of Africa.

I estimate orgonite was made by the 10.000's and shipped all over the earth over the last period of 20 years.

Since these instruments affect climate, could they be at the source of climate change?

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 05:56 PM

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 06:34 PM
I will tell a story that people can either believe or not believe, but the source is not one to make up stories. Without giving up too much information, there is a reasonably well-known person in the orgone studies communty, who is now dead, named Trevor Constable. He wrote several pieces including a book called The Cosmic Pulse of Life.

He was also a merchant marine and traveled for the same company as on of my relatives. He had several contraptions that were made of various tubes and dimensions. Most had to be on a moving vessel to work (stuff had to flow through them) and had various functions. He had made several VHS videos back in the day logging weather conditions etc while running them. He routinely was able to demonstrate rain during almost impossible natural starting conditions in 15 mins to 1/3 hour. I believe he was even hired by various countries to help with drought. Anyway, a lot of his work is pretty well-known in those circles.

The real interesting story though was the fog guns. There was a very practical and skeptical captain on the ship at the time, but had been on when Trevor was on before. They encountered dense fog to where it was very dangerous to travel where they were. The captain without hesitation said, "Go get Trevor's fog guns" as he had apparently left them on there. "All I know is they work", he said. What was described once they were installed was a nearly knife-edged wall on either side of the front of the ship with clear sailing down the middle -- like a tunnel, but just a wall clear up to the clear sky above.

There is more to this than meets the eye, and I can attest to the general cloud-busting phenomenon, but I also don't think it is good to mess with it casually. The balance of things is best left without over-exploitation. That said, I now have a much better understanding of it all and it is pretty small compared to a lot of what humans can achieve once they return to some more traditional ways and standards.

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

They’re never going to implement the plan because it wasn’t a plan. It was a thought exercise for the War College that they did as a “If all this technology existed, what would we do with it”. If it was an actual plan it wouldn’t be all over the internet.
edit on 9/22/2023 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2023 @ 09:16 PM
It's a very strange concept that anything or anyone born out of the earthly elements or the one's it's captured in it's gravity could ever cease it from doing what it does.

As long as that thing we call sun gets fuel(hate to be you mercury) heading towards and around the galactic center; Earth will be earth... However; Knowing venus would be the *new mercury and mars the new earth?

C'est la vie

*only new as in relative position to the solar body not solar plane; So rushing towards mars isn't or won't be as an imperative as people by then will make it out to be... Reason being? Porn is porn; Doom or no doom.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Untun

Orgonite, a material thought to have positive effects on energy and climate, was widely produced and used across the world. People made things like tower busters and cloud busters using online instructions. These devices were believed to bring rain to dry areas, particularly in Africa.

However, saying that orgonite is the cause of climate change doesn't align with mainstream science. Climate change, according to most scientists, is mainly caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industry, which release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing global warming and affecting weather patterns and climate.

While orgonite might have localized effects, it's not considered a significant factor in global climate change. Addressing climate change requires tackling its real causes—reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adopting sustainable practices. These are the key actions needed to deal with the broader impacts of climate change.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: Spacespider

True, there are a lot of greenhouse gasses stored in ice, the place heats up because of greenhouse gasses, the ice melts and pockets of greenhouse gasses are released, even more heating up of the place.

posted on Sep, 22 2023 @ 08:44 PM
Hold up! If these devices really work as stated has anyone here tried to build one and test it out with video?

posted on Sep, 23 2023 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

They also seem to attract animals and when I placed one in the garden two days later we had a hedgehog in the garden and so. Video's about cloudbusters were made and it was said they made it rain in dry places in Africa. These things should be made with caution imo.

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