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Geo-Engineering Fact And Chemtrail Hoax

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 02:24 AM
We recently saw in this forum a very long list of geo-engineering patents. It would take years of study to be able to honestly call yourself well-informed on that topic. No-one knows how many actual geo-engineering projects have been carried out in secret, it's impossible for anyone to be well-informed on that subject. We can be well-informed on what happens to the sky that we see daily.

Again and again we see a clear morning. Jets flying overhead leaving persistent trails that spread out and cloak the entire sky. A dramatic loss of sunlight reaching the ground leading to all manner of plant and animal disease. That is the cost of jet travel.

Here's a recent article on 'The Great “Chemtrails” Hoax'. Worth a quick read.

The chemtrail hoax is used to obscure the the geo-engineering facts.

edit on 2 2 2023 by Kester because: word substitution

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: Kester

It's interesting that you posted this. I was thinking about what happened to me around '04 just yesterday. At that time, the only digital cameras were few and far between. I had an old Gateway camera.

Anyways, I went to town (45 miles away) and saw a large plane following the 45th parallel, going west to east. It was a 2 engine jet. When I got back to our place, right on the 45th, it seemed like the pilot didn't account for the mid-Michigan ridge which our place sits at the peak of. The plane passed low over us and was discharging some sort of fogging agent that looked like little crystals. Well this stuff drifted down to the ground, had no smell and dissolved as it hit the ground. What remained in the air spread out and since I had a good vantage point, seemed to draw moisture from the air to create the "clouds" that appeared around 30 minutes after the flyover.

I did take photos and some 320i video but those are on some hard drive somewhere. I need to make an effort to find them.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Kester

sadly, the hoax has massive legs and many are entrenched in their beliefs. If all those who put effort into worrying about chemtrails put that effort into monitoring geo-engineering projects, we could draw enough attention to some crazy ideas that have potential to do real damage to us all. But if everyone is pointing to long clouds and screaming "chemtrails", they will never comprehend the real evil they should be looking for.

All the science exists to explain this, and enough common sense exists to explain why most of the theory is laughable, but the will to believe above all other odds seems to be stronger than all that.

Maybe we will be lucky and "they" won't start their SRM program. But we won't know unless they tell us, for all the reasons chemtrails are not.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Kester

Well China's geo-engineering 'cloud seeding' process for weather modification is out in the open for all to see. I would assume many other countries are doing the same thing.

According to a statement by China's State Council, the country has pledged to bring about 5.5 million square kilometers of land under the weather modification program by 2025. Much of this program involves the "cloud seeding" process. China claims to have developed this technology to increase agricultural productivity and prevent natural disasters such as droughts and floods. However, the impact of cloud seeding can be observed beyond China's borders, as it can disturb the normal monsoon in neighboring countries such as India, Myanmar, Vietnam, etc. This would have a negative impact on agriculture in these countries, a/

Cloud seeding, also called artificial rain, include eight chemicals (yes, chemicals), and what goes up must come down. These chemicals falling back to the ground are dangerous.

The negative impacts:

In Robock’s summary, the primary benefit of seeding is reducing global warming and many of its negative impacts. This may be so important to society that we may decide to do something radical like seeding. Risks or concerns like unwanted ecological changes, ozone depletion, continued ocean acidification, erratic changes in rainfall patterns, rapid warming if seeding were to be stopped abruptly, airplane effects, to name a few, may just not be bad enough to override the imperative to keep temperatures down.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: network dude

People should be paying more attention to ionospheric heaters, and induced weather, steered weather, and induced earthquakes. All the snit weather happening in TX the last few years, when they are the largest anti Federal gov state, with their own oil and gold reserves, can't be coincidence.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 03:22 PM
Maybe it's because some chemtrail advocates think it's about depopulation or just geo-engineering as regards climate change that makes some normally stellar thinkers dismiss the idea that the MIC has been effing around in and with and through the atmosphere for years.

I think there's a lot of different modalities and objectives surrounding this topic as a whole. I do know that our top scientists knew and advocated that the science was there for weather modification right after the Manhattan Project. A new "Manhattan Project" was suggested for weaponized weather manipulation.

If the science is there and one understands that it's pretty much the ultimate weapon then I think we understand the MIC enough to know it would be pursued.

However, I don't think weather-manipulation is the only thing that might explain air operations that involve dispersal.

Having said all that, I present an older piece from NASA---2012 I think. There's some good information therein, but there's also a subtle suggestion for the discerning I do believe. Anyone see it?

The temperature and humidity of the air affects how long contrails last. When air is dry, contrails last just seconds or minutes. But when the air is humid, as was the case here, contrails can be long-lived and spread outward until they become difficult to distinguish from naturally occurring cirrus clouds. Satellites have observed clusters of contrails lasting as long as 14 hours, though most remain visible for four to six hours.

The long-lived, spreading contrails are of great interest to climate scientists because they reflect sunlight and trap infrared radiation. A contrail in an otherwise clear sky reduces the amount of solar radiation that reaches Earth’s surface, while increasing the amount of infrared radiation absorbed by the atmosphere (as do cirrus clouds).

These opposing effects make it difficult for scientists to pin down the effect contrails have on climate. “Overall, contrails create additional cirrus cloud cover,” noted Patrick Minnis, a senior scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center. “Current estimates indicate that contrails have a small warming effect, but the extent of the additional coverage and the amount of warming remain quite uncertain.”

The Evolution of a Contrail

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

cloud seeding has been a reality for along time. Operation Popeye in Viet Nam. Forrest Gump even talked about it.

It's not secret, it's not chemtrails, and there are genuine questions about it's validity, by experts in the field.

RHS Consulting is a privately owned cloud seeding and weather modification company based in the U.S. and located in Nevada. Since its founding in 1999, RHS Consulting has used its combined expertise to provide weather modification and cloud seeding services to serve their clients. RHS offers cloud seeding program design, operation, research and evaluation services for ground based seeding projects as well as air based seeding projects. As a full service weather modification company we are able to manufacture and provide cloud seeding equipment as well as provide a variety of cloud seeding program options to meet the specific needs of and objectives of cloud seeding projects.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: The GUT

In studies about contrails, they found that trails during the day, reflected sunlight, and offered a slight cooling effect, but at night, acted as a blanket of sorts and held heat in that would normally dissipate on a clear night, causing a warming effect.

So the net effect of their presence is kind of understood.

What worries me is that the chuckleheads who are certain the world will end in 10 years, can and will do drastic things, and think they are helping humanity. SRM, or Solar Radiation Management, which is the release of stratospheric particles to mimic the effects of a volcanic eruption, is a planned method, and at the altitudes it would be done at, wouldn't be seen from the ground. We might not know they even did it, until Terminator becomes a reality and some pinhead say's "My bad".

Mucking with mother nature is fodder for Hollywood movies, and not something I think we should be embracing for any reason.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: network dude
a reply to: The GUT

What worries me is that the chuckleheads who are certain the world will end in 10 years, can and will do drastic things, and think they are helping humanity. SRM, or Solar Radiation Management, which is the release of stratospheric particles to mimic the effects of a volcanic eruption, is a planned method, and at the altitudes it would be done at, wouldn't be seen from the ground. We might not know they even did it, until Terminator becomes a reality and some pinhead say's "My bad".

Mucking with mother nature is fodder for Hollywood movies, and not something I think we should be embracing for any reason.

Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong Gates et al ad infinitum barfum will do damage with that shizzle. Have, most probably, already done so for longer than they are letting on ahem---which does make it a legitimate prospect for any operations that include aerial dispersal. And, yeah again, NASA/MIL has at all times more knowledge than they'd ever--understandably--acknowledge. Which again suggests studies of more than satellite pictures of contrails, eh? We know how this works "Let's make some and we can study the hell out of them, Sir!"

I realize that some chemtrail folk are whacked. I know what a contrail and its properties are. Having said that, I'm convinced that we have been seeing aerial dispersal operations for awhile, I just don't pretend I know exactly what they represent. I do know, however, that behind any climate change studies/experiments the MIC is right there with it's finger on the pulse and monies to spend.

To me, no rhetoric, you are one of my heroes in this era of change. But when it comes to this topic, I have to pause and wonder: Is there some small part of me, too, that has the earmarks of the NPC?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 06:21 AM
a reply to: The GUT

it's all about the ambiguity. WHAT someone believes about contrail/chemtrails is such a wide ranging array of ideas, it's impossible to just "know" what it's even about. I used to get passionate about this topic, likely still do although I try to curb the anger. But when I started to look at this, and saw the psyop going on, it looked like a huge distraction away from what was likely going to happen, or already happening, which is the SRM portion I brought up earlier.

If folks would just accept the scientific facts that surround this, then the abstract parts could be discussed as the conspiracy they truly are. But once it turns into a "faith based" argument, well, it's atheist vs. true believer, and not going to end well.

and you need to travel up this way to find out if I'm lying about the bourbon collection. (hint, I'm not)
two chairs, two glasses, and a porch are already set up.
edit on 3-2-2023 by network dude because: Beto, what a stupid name.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:21 AM

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: network dude

I was basically thinking the same thing about the distractions. And I hate this subject for pretty much that reason alone.

Just about he only reason I ever engage in these threads--and then lightly--is I feel guilty for not jumping in the fray and making the case of why I believe it's significant and has been going on for awhile. And it's got folk I love on both sides of the issue which further complicates it for me.

And it certainly can't be proven at this point. However, with what is starting to be revealed--and spring boarding off your thoughts--maybe there is more room now to steer this weather balloon heh into a bigger discussion about what the hell the bozos are up to in every domain with their version of "science." You'd be an excellent person to do that. There's a bridge here I perceive.

I've literally never watched more than a few minutes of anything from that Dean W guy. Although some of his stuff was on my reading list. It's so weird because I perceived the topic for years as akin to such things as the Galactic Federation. Not anymore.

Having said that I'm certainly not one of the crowd that doesn't understand the relevant basics about contrails. This particular part of the science does, imo, hold significant arguments for either side.

For example: Some chemtrail folk don't understand that some contrails can persist and spread, thereby injuring their credibility/argument.

On the other hand, such contrails are not the norm and I do find it interesting that it seems to be much more common than the years I spent growing up on Air Force bases. Maybe it's just climate change and the atmospheric conditions along with modern fuels/additives etc have made conditions favorable for what were previously outliers, then again maybe it's suggestive.

Speaking of "climate change" if there is any significant portion of it that actually can be attributed to man I'm convinced it's because of the effed-up willy-nilly science clown-world is so fond of. Sheesh, we even exploded nuclear devices in atmosphere/space. Yeah, I don't wanna hear snip about my pickup or cows farting.

My suspicion: For one thing, I suspect our "climate science" and the CCP's climate science have been bumping heads for awhile. It would explain a lot.

Regardless of all that, if there is one person from ATS I'm determined to do some front porch sit-in' with it is definitely you, dude. Let's make it happen. An alternate first plan is I have a sweet little hidey-hole in the mountains surrounded by beautiful state parks and world-class fishing. Just sitting there empty and lonely for guests. My bourbon collection is a little weak at the moment but I keep the best peach moonshine there is on hand for special occasions. You and the Ms are invited and I'd be thrilled to hand you the keys and do some tour-guiding. It would absolutely tickle me if'n y'all do!
edit on 3-2-2023 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2023 @ 12:31 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift



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