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Twitter erupts after AOC seen chatting with GOP during speaker vote.

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posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: MykeNukem

I will take any win at the moment as my wife is in a hospice receiving end of life care

I will be updating my fellow ATS friends in next few days, see my original thread under my old login, currently sat at her bedside holding her hand as she sleeps

Failing a loved one with brain cancer

Does rain not actually fall from clouds though

humour helps alleviate my emotional stress

I'm sorry. My thoughts are with you, your wife, family and friends.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: IAMTAT

Uh, actually no, she's not an idiot. She's uneducated, but she's crafty and she's done quite well in hearings.

I fully expect to see her be Speaker of the House one day.

God help us all if that happens .
Nancy Pelosi x10^99
edit on 1/4/23 by Gothmog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: IAMTAT

Uh, actually no, she's not an idiot. She's uneducated, but she's crafty and she's done quite well in hearings.

She's college educated...and she's still an idiot.
Seriously, she's dumb as a box of rocks.

...without the rocks.
With the rocks , a box of rocks may serve a purpose .

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: MykeNukem

I will take any win at the moment as my wife is in a hospice receiving end of life care

I will be updating my fellow ATS friends in next few days, see my original thread under my old login, currently sat at her bedside holding her hand as she sleeps

Failing a loved one with brain cancer

Does rain not actually fall from clouds though

humour helps alleviate my emotional stress

Upthendown, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife and your family. I know that pain... 🙏

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: UpThenDown
a reply to: MykeNukem

Honestly no need to apologies

please don’t feel like a pos , I viewed your response in good faith and humour

Thanks, I'm relieved that you did.

What you're going through is no joking matter.

My deepest sympathy and you and your family will be in my prayers.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

Wow, the way Rep. Paul Gosar looks while he is talking almost reminds me of a retarded person.

I'm not taking a jab at "the right" here, lol. I'm being dead serious, watch the video again.

I guess they're "buddies" now that the whole assassination video thing from social media brought them closer together. See, there's still hope. I wish we could get along around here like Gosar and AOC.

Everyone is so cut throat to bash the perceived minority position guy to get maximum gold things across the top of their reply from their majority constituents.

If you didn't know better, you'd honestly think you can cash 100,000 of them in for $10 paypal or special priviledges.
edit on CST07Wed, 04 Jan 2023 19:39:16 -060000000001b2023 by Thrumbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:34 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I'm confused here..
What's the big deal?
They are supposed to be adults that can communicate even after having heated disagreements.

Perhaps people will believe them when (if ever) they begin that "communication" with the American people and not only each other.

It's , and this proves they are two faced scum on the inside of Capitol Hill.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow

Okay Look I'm not calling anyone stupid but I may use the word Ignorant and Naive to describe anyone who is surprised by AOC talking with Rep.Paul Gosar .

Wait WHAT ! AOC hates all GOP members she is a Princess of the Left WOKE nation
if you actually believe that maybe you are stupid , She is not who she appears to be nor is the GOP Congressman she is chatting with .

Behind closed doors and off Camera these people all work together moving towards the same goal this is known and has been known for decades now , it's astonishing that people actually believe AOC is the person she presents herself as ....Think about it
She seems almost mentally handicapped and yet she is sitting in the halls of congress as one of the most powerful people there .

There is no Two party system there is only one party WAKE UP , In the public eye and on camera they play the Character movie of Left vs Right , but do you think party ideals are really more important than the Power and Money these people are consolidating and gathering ?

Actual image of politicians and their sponsored pundits rehearsing for the next televised debate between alt and radical

edit on 4-1-2023 by TzarChasm because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 08:20 PM
AOC is loving the power and was pimping herself to this GOP guy. "IF you vote yay on my bill I'm working on I'll um.. buy you a drink later tonight and we could....."

AOC has done a lot of that before I'm thinking.
edit on 4-1-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: edit

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
AOC is loving the power and was pimping herself to this GOP guy. "IF you vote yay on my bill I'm working on I'll um.. buy you a drink later tonight and we could....."

AOC has done a lot of that before I'm thinking.

Everyone thinks female politicians are hoes on here, it's funny. I don't think so, it would be unprofessional and the guys would talk, spread it around. Then the woman would be shamed every time they enter the chamber and feel weird about it, im not seeing it.

That Lauren Boebert though, she's pretty hot. Maybe that's more acceptable behavior on her side of the aisle, being "one of the guys" lol.

Bagging coworkers really isnt as easy or common as you might think or have heard. It can make work extremely awkward, people really do lie a lot. It's a shared fantasy among many though.
edit on CST12Thu, 05 Jan 2023 00:59:12 -060000000001b2023 by Thrumbo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 08:35 AM
The whole thing is explained in this one Twitter Tweet . . . . .🤣🤣


posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust
Straight from the mind of AOC today.

A government where everybody works together.

AOC wants to help save McCarthy's leadership.

Let's just let that sink in.

If she and dems wanted to help McCarthy they could and it's the anti-McCarthy voters who are acting chummy with AOC.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:53 AM

originally posted by: nancyliedersdeaddog

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust
Straight from the mind of AOC today.

A government where everybody works together.

AOC wants to help save McCarthy's leadership.

Let's just let that sink in.

If she and dems wanted to help McCarthy they could

Who says they're not already offering him help...and that he is refusing until it becomes a last resort?
edit on 0AMJanCSTAMCST by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: nancyliedersdeaddog

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust
Straight from the mind of AOC today.

A government where everybody works together.

AOC wants to help save McCarthy's leadership.

Let's just let that sink in.

If she and dems wanted to help McCarthy they could and it's the anti-McCarthy voters who are acting chummy with AOC.

Who says they're not already offering him help...and that he is refusing until it becomes a last resort?

Because the anti-McCarthy side have done just what the dems want and they are loving republicans fighting and making themselves look terrible to the public. They want this fight to continue because it can lead to things that helps Dems like some anti-McCarthy voters to come over and vote for Jeffries which I believe they have said they would be okay with, force a coalition government which AOC has talked about, force moderate Republicans to work with Dems and elect a moderate who is picked by them and Democrats. They have even said they aren't saving McCarthy and the only way they would even think about doing it is if he gave them what they want which they would do for any Republican not just McCarthy.
edit on 5-1-2023 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-1-2023 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 07:32 PM

originally posted by: nancyliedersdeaddog

Because the anti-McCarthy side have done just what the dems want and they are loving republicans fighting and making themselves look terrible to the public.

Looking terrible? I know squat about McCarthy, but apparently some Republicans have a problem with him being the Speaker. More power to them, I say. I would much rather see congressmen voting their conscience than the party line. We need more of that.

There are plenty of things out there that make the Republican party look bad, but this ain't one of them. Voting for the party line instead of your conscience is how you get a racist pedophile with dementia for President.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:27 PM
Is the take away from this that two Representatives from different parties have to bark and snarl around each other? I've been around DC since 1978, and I've seen all sorts of various politicians laughing over lunch. Politicians are people , too!a reply to: asabuvsobelow

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Pinochet

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: nancyliedersdeaddog

originally posted by: IAMTAT

originally posted by: carewemust
Straight from the mind of AOC today.

A government where everybody works together.

AOC wants to help save McCarthy's leadership.

Let's just let that sink in.

If she and dems wanted to help McCarthy they could

Who says they're not already offering him help...and that he is refusing until it becomes a last resort?

AOC's "help" was not needed, lol.

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