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Plasma Life

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posted on Dec, 21 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: steaming

Seems unlikely to occur without some sort of help.

The laws of probability rule out his by-chance creation of life in the primordial soup. Astronomer Fred Hoyle put it quite elegantly: The probability is the same as it is for a tornado moving through a junkyard to create a Boeing 747 from random tossing about of the debris.

But the idea that proteins started life on their own has now been largely rejected

Jury is out on a replacement creation myth.
edit on 21-12-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2020 @ 02:40 PM
I reject the "intelligent plasma hypothesis" outright.

Imho...besides using the plasma as an energy source, it is possibly only used for defensive and offensive means by the ET aliens that frequent our planet.

Any plasma that conveys intelligence to our own earthly possibly just a form of laser holography communication that they safely use, without the fear of exposing their own biological or robotic selves to possible hostiles.

posted on Dec, 22 2020 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Erno86

Any reason for that?

Plasma Lives Matter

posted on Dec, 22 2020 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: Erno86
I reject the "intelligent plasma hypothesis" outright.

Imho...besides using the plasma as an energy source, it is possibly only used for defensive and offensive means by the ET aliens that frequent our planet.

Any plasma that conveys intelligence to our own earthly possibly just a form of laser holography communication that they safely use, without the fear of exposing their own biological or robotic selves to possible hostiles.

Know exactly where your coming from on the "Any plasma that conveys intelligence to our own earthly possibly just a form of laser holography communication that they safely use, without the fear of exposing their own biological or robotic selves to possible hostiles." Yeah the motherships are possibly using these plasmas / orbs as a sort of cannon fodder / first wave in order as you say to not expose themselves to us Earthlings.

There's always the possibility that they are sort of mapping our planet, the way one sees a mass of orbs and often they appear kind of of interested in the geography, they might be mapping the ground for whatever purpose, hopefully not for all out invasion but it does play on the mind.

posted on Dec, 22 2020 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

When we use a hammer, someone who doesn't know better very well might assume the hammer is sentient one, and we are not. On the other hand, that could also be true.

I mean, look at Toxoplasmosis. The rodents are mind-controlled by the parasite, to be more attractive to be eaten by cats, who then further participate in the parasites lifecycle.

So really, the bottom line, is whether some other intelligence or process is attempting to use humans as part of their lifecycle.

That's the $64,000 question.

Though whether plasma/some other non-physical thing can be 'sentient' is an utterly fascinating question too.

posted on Dec, 23 2020 @ 10:30 PM
My mom always told me about her childhood in northern Argentina, weather was really hot and during storms this lightning balls were known to happen, they followed air currents, her parents always told her to keep more than two windows opened in order for the orbs to have a path to get outside. a reply to: primalfractal

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: foofighter00

Interesting, must have been a fair few in the area to develop local wisdom on the subject.

Had a lightening ball in my room as a very young child according to my parents, they are hazy on details unfortunately, but I figure its still in my subconscious.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You make some interesting reading KPB
Being honest and realistic about it sometimes I have to translate some of your writings as they are pretty advanced and there is often words I don't understand as I be a bit backwoods, but think I get the jist of your post above. Still trying to figure out Sentient, was born in the sticks lol! Know where you are coming from regarding the Toxosomething thing, there really coud be a role for us in the lifecycles of the orbs and their using of us like the parasites, some sort of thing we don't even understand yet while are they feeding from our energy output? I dunno but you raise an extremely interesting angle on the feeding off us there. I'd love to see if the majority of ufo orb contactees are quite energy propellant, personally from the moment I wake up to going to bed, cant stop moving around, totally full of energy, can't do desk work for more than an hour tried it couldn't sit still lol, maybe these entities do need full on energetic people to use their energy or something alike.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: foofighter00
My mom always told me about her childhood in northern Argentina, weather was really hot and during storms this lightning balls were known to happen, they followed air currents, her parents always told her to keep more than two windows opened in order for the orbs to have a path to get outside

Before a encounter of orbs in 2006 a few minutes before there were a crack of thunder. Can't say saw the lighning but the roar of the thnder it was very close and on a day there was non before or after. A few minutes later and we were being followed by a white bobbler type zipping through the hedgerow as it followed. Maybe they are connected to the stuff going on with our weather? Quite coincidental when considering your above post

Also you mention the flight path opening in buildings when dealing with orbs. Never seen them inside buildings my self but read quite a bit on people like youe seeing them inside.

Don't know if it's anything similar but when I was young my folks were renovating a inglenook fireplace and they found buried in the brickwork / wood crevice a tiny childlie leather boot tied up, as the leather wa brittle and rotting a gold coin was inside, maybe gold but defo a coin of some sort. Fift years down the lines it stays in the mind. Maybe it had some relevance to the air flow for orbs and them going in and out of the chimney?

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

It's not helpful to go to far with the parasitic point of view, not at this juncture. We need more info.

I'm just saying, that like in our world, every living thing has to be aware of every other living things,
and each living thing relates differently depending on what type they are.

Predators kill.
Members of a social tribe cooperate with their own.
Some creatures groom larger predators and are allowed to live, as they are being useful.
Most things are food for something else.

In the web of life, everything has it's place.

we don't know our place yet.

That's what the kerfuffle is all about.

posted on Dec, 25 2020 @ 09:40 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: ufoorbhunter

In the web of life, everything has it's place.

we don't know our place yet.

That's what the kerfuffle is all about.

Interesting idea KPB and someit to ponder on

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