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Swedens 100 explosions this year

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posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: SocratesJohnson
How is it easier to get a bomb than a gun in Sweden?

Sweden had gun control, I am told gun control stops all violent crime and make a country safer.

it's almost like, evil people will do evil things and ignore the laws of the country they are in

So racist, to assume that all the migrants involved are using stolen guns.

We also have an issue in Australia in the past few years... but the police continue to tell us that there is no problem with African gangs.

it's just wayward kids, with a penchant for shooting up store owners, mobbing people en masse, and targeting stores in mob-raids.

Stahp being so raysis...

Some cultures do 'ave 'em.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly
If they ban bombs everything will become like Utopia.

Naw, they'll just 3D print them.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

They are living in a Mad Max future as we speak.

You say that like that would be a bad thing... No accounting for tastes, I guess.

No denying it'd be exciting!! 😛

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 12:31 PM
I remember when Trump said in 2017:

“You look at what’s happening,” he told his supporters.
“We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden, who would believe this?”

The media and P/C crowd responded back with "Fake News" Now it is almost impossible to hide what is going on but it might be too late as well.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

But diversity is our strength
edit on 13-11-2019 by rockintitz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: rockintitz
Some were rehomed with adoptive families that had no clue.

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: rockintitz
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

But diversity is our strength

How dare he.
Stupid dental science. How would he know they were actually adults?!?!?!?! Obviously a racist.


dIvErSiTy iS oUr StReNgTh

posted on Nov, 13 2019 @ 06:40 PM
Chef' is all "Borgity borgity borg" over these meatballs.

posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 04:20 AM
A majority of swedes blame themselves.
They want more immigrants and the violence just comes with the territory.

Swedes are willing to help 5 migrants if it means only 1 of their citizens is raped or killed.

Ignorant and liberal they are too compassionate is the main reason .

posted on Nov, 15 2019 @ 04:30 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: SocratesJohnson
How is it easier to get a bomb than a gun in Sweden?

Sweden had gun control, I am told gun control stops all violent crime and make a country safer.

it's almost like, evil people will do evil things and ignore the laws of the country they are in

So racist, to assume that all the migrants involved are using stolen guns.

We also have an issue in Australia in the past few years... but the police continue to tell us that there is no problem with African gangs.

it's just wayward kids, with a penchant for shooting up store owners, mobbing people en masse, and targeting stores in mob-raids.

Stahp being so raysis...

Some cultures do 'ave 'em.

Yup you are just a normal citizen told to bend over and take it.
You are being fed lies and they are over protective of these people, why?

Why the double standards......

It's a fact that every single country that took in musiims migrants saw a sharp rise in rapes, gay bashing, acid attacks, and church burnings.

And governments don't want people to know his. why?

What country would accept that knowing those kind of attacks would happen.

How does a liberal gamble with their citizens like that? And how do the citizens take it?

In Britain and anti immigrant speech is heavily surpassed. Which makes it seem even more sketchy.

Why is this being forced upon people?

Under Obama if you looked at a map of the spreading of muslim refugees around the world you would think it was a coordinated. well planned spreading of these people in strategic places.

Much more at stake

posted on Dec, 11 2019 @ 05:43 AM
Something has to be wrong with the swedish people and it's been a long time.

I was watching a movie from the 80s called gotcha.
2 American students travel around Europe.

One student is Spanish looking , dark hair and dark skin.
He tells his friend when they get to Sweden that he will pretend to be a terrorist, that swedish women love terrorist

In the 80s when this was happening the swedish people were seen as extremely naive.
Their actions of taking African refugees in the 80s was laughed at,. People were saying there would be nothing positive and that the swedish people were lead with compassion rather then logic.

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