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U.S. lifts sanctions against Russian firms

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posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: watchandwait410

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: watchandwait410
I know it is just a little bit but aren't we suppose to be tough on Russia?

Why be tough on the country that Democrats blame for taking advantage of their dull minds, thereby allowing Donald Trump to beat Hillary Clinton?

They took advantage of people who voted for Trump, flipping the ones who would have usually voted Dem... That's how he won. At least that is how I see it. I get what you mean though, dull minds are easily manipulated.

I think you should look into this watchandwait:

Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act 2016.

Look into it and tell me what you think about Dull Minds.

posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
a reply to: xuenchen

Trump serving his Master Putin. What a disgrace.

Have we always been at war with Eurasia, LDragonfire?

It not like Trump told Putin he'd have more leverage in his second term...... that's so 1980's.


posted on Jan, 27 2019 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Ohanka
Bout time.

Always opposed the Western Sanctions on Russia, I don't think the Ukrainian Nazi Regime deserves our aid.

Agreed. Ukraine and Russia have been having problems for thirty years, funny no one gave a rat's ass until President Trump expressed a desire for normalized relations.

posted on Jan, 28 2019 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: Zeropinion

originally posted by: Ohanka
Bout time.

Always opposed the Western Sanctions on Russia, I don't think the Ukrainian Nazi Regime deserves our aid.

Agreed. Ukraine and Russia have been having problems for thirty years, funny no one gave a rat's ass until President Trump expressed a desire for normalized relations.

Well the whole Russia invaded and annexed Crimea thing happened in February and March of 2014 well over a year before Trump announced his run in 2015, I am sure that was just a mistake on your part.

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