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Timelines and stargates

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posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 03:00 AM
Do different timelines of reality exist? A number of insiders say so. Among them are Henry Deacon, Dan Burisch, Andrew Basiago, Dr David Lewis Anderson, Anderson Institute.

Here is one quote from Henry Deacon interview with Project Camelot

So what can you tell us about the time loops?

Right. [long pause] The situation with time loops is that there are a large number of parallel timelines, lots of branches. There are no paradoxes. [draws a diagram] If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, that’s the grandfather paradox everyone talks about, there’s no paradox. When you go back and change the past, it creates a different timeline, which is a new branch of the original one. On that timeline, you’d not be born and wouldn’t exist, so that aspect of the paradox is true. Do you see? But on this timeline, which you’re on here and now, you do exist, and continue to do so. There’s no paradox. It’s simple… do you see? You’re dealing with different branches of a kind of time tree. No principles get violated. All future events are possibilities, not certainties. That’s kind of pretty important, an important... distinction. That's really all I can say about that.

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 04:44 AM
Immortality is not boring at all...
G.A.O.T.U. has made sure of it.

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 05:17 AM
So in effect you can go back in time and kill your father before you were born without creating a paradox because when you go back in time you are creating a sort of parallel reality where you would cause another you never to be born. It would be like killing yourself in a parallel Earth universe. In effect, this makes it sound like time travel is possible without paradoxes because changing events in time does not change events in the original reality but in a new parallel reality created when you travel back in time. That makes it sound like not just time travel but time travel to a new parallel reality. The old parallel reality would remain unchanged. You just wouldn't be aware of it anymore. Makes me wonder if the old reality resulted in the death of everyone, if they would suddenly wake up in the altered reality not remembering the changes.

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 05:21 AM
Going back in time means you just alerted god, so he casts you into a parallel universe so as to not find him out
edit on 19-4-2018 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: Pinocchio
Going back in time means you just alerted god, so he casts you into a parallel universe so as to not find him out

Too bad his powers are so crummy. Otherwise, the Mandela Effect would never have existed. Since I have been a direct... victim? experiencer? Of the stupid ME, complete with 2 years of time that I simply can't account for, I wonder when and how I went back in time. Especially the *how*....

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: orionthehunter
So in effect you can go back in time and kill your father before you were born without creating a paradox because when you go back in time you are creating a sort of parallel reality where you would cause another you never to be born. It would be like killing yourself in a parallel Earth universe. In effect, this makes it sound like time travel is possible without paradoxes because changing events in time does not change events in the original reality but in a new parallel reality created when you travel back in time. That makes it sound like not just time travel but time travel to a new parallel reality. The old parallel reality would remain unchanged. You just wouldn't be aware of it anymore. Makes me wonder if the old reality resulted in the death of everyone, if they would suddenly wake up in the altered reality not remembering the changes.

It's an argument for the Mandela Effect, ya know...

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
Do different timelines of reality exist? A number of insiders say so. Among them are Henry Deacon, Dan Burisch, Andrew Basiago, Dr David Lewis Anderson, Anderson Institute.

Here is one quote from Henry Deacon interview with Project Camelot

So what can you tell us about the time loops?

Right. [long pause] The situation with time loops is that there are a large number of parallel timelines, lots of branches. There are no paradoxes. [draws a diagram] If you go back in time and kill your grandfather, that’s the grandfather paradox everyone talks about, there’s no paradox. When you go back and change the past, it creates a different timeline, which is a new branch of the original one. On that timeline, you’d not be born and wouldn’t exist, so that aspect of the paradox is true. Do you see? But on this timeline, which you’re on here and now, you do exist, and continue to do so. There’s no paradox. It’s simple… do you see? You’re dealing with different branches of a kind of time tree. No principles get violated. All future events are possibilities, not certainties. That’s kind of pretty important, an important... distinction. That's really all I can say about that.

And what happens to those "irrelevant" things like conservation of energy, matter, information, net energy content of the specific reality you leave from and go to? You can't have it both ways, the laws of physics are either right or wrong. Does this character, the one he's playing anyway, have a direct line to reality's architect/programmer? It's all just supposition. I agree there is a non-perishable probability that temporal bifurcation could exist spawning new realities, but consider the energy requirements to spawn said new reality.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I've heard this theory on time travel before, here's my issue with it:

You go back in time from Universe A.

You kill your father in now Universe B.

In Universe B you never existed. In Universe A you have gone missing.

If you attempt to go back to Universe A you will end up in Universe C.

The Problem is as follows, you aren't time traveling at all, you are simply traveling to alternate Realties.

Secondly in Universe B you just popped into existence in order to kill someone? How does that fit into the laws of physics, Your entire being would be created out of nothing since you were never born in that Universe.

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Does the "new" timeline exist (or are you "in" that timeline) the moment you time traveled, or are you still in the same timeline until the moment you kill your grandfather, or cause any other change whether intentionally or not?

I guess new timelines are probably created and destroyed billions of times every nanosecond...?

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: 3n19m470

I don't know. My idea is not to discuss in detail the grandfather paradox, even less to contemplate me killing my grandfather...oups! I'm sorry I picked up exactly that paradox, may be it is the most known one.

I'd rather wanted to start a more general discussion about timelines, or are they parallel realities. Dan Burosch speaks about such possible timelines too.
Crossing a stargate is crossing a timeline too.

posted on Apr, 19 2018 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

Kip Throne in his book Time wraps...describes how a traversible wormhole can become a time machine. If you jump thru it to let say, Andromeda, you jump forward in space and backward in time. Then if you jump thru a second wormhole from Andromeda to the Earth, you jump again backward in time. The result, you will arrive in the distant past of the Earth.

The two wormholes further can be connected into only one wormhole that will act as a time machine.

Hawking however insists that any attempt to use the traversible wormhole as a time machine will result in quantum fluctuations that ultimately will destroy the wormhole and the travellers in it. But that is somehow unproven mathematically yet, something that Hawking admitted to Thorne.

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