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OK guys....give me your opinions on mattresses

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posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
OMGosh the visual I just got from your post!

But honestly the heat thing is enough for me to walk away. I am in the land of hot flashes. Hubby already says he has to sleep in toboggan and gloves...he would have to buy a full snow suit if it's that warm!

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: Martin75

I sold home furnishings for years. I had a store I sold a few years back when I retired.
Pillow tops do flatten out. Especially if it's only on one side preventing flipping.

My advice
Both lay down on them. In the store.
I can't tell you how many people feel a mattress with their hands, push down on it and say oh no or oh yes without ever laying on it. It's so silly.

I like soft too but support is key.
One with a good plump surface and good support should suit both of you.

A good mattress in queen or king will run over $2000.00 for the set box spring and mattress.
Keep in mind too that putting a new mattress on an old box spring will void most warranties.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: schuyler

If your bed is sagging in the middle go to your local furniture store and get a center support frame for under the mattress.
It sits up against the frame in the center like a fifth leg on the bed.
If you have a headboard and footboard they have supports that go under the slats. Just a piece of metal or even wood that goes in the center and sits on the floor perpendicular to the frame.
It works wonders on big beds.

The issue may not be your mattress but what supports it.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: ValentineWiggin

A mattress that is well built and cared for will last twenty years.
Affordable and mattress don't really go together. A cheap mattress won't last and you will spend more in replacing it in a few years. I call it throwing good money after bad.
However, 900.00 isn't cheap if it was just for the mattress and didn't include a box spring.
How long is the warranty? Is there one without the box?

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: muzzleflash
Ok I'm sorry for the sarcasm heavy rant about concrete mattresses....

It does things to you...

Things happen and your mind changes about a lot of things.

Ever slept out in the snow in 12 degrees with only a blanket? I did. Those hand warmer packets saved my feet.

My rant was nothing. I'm still really nice considering all things.

I don't ask anyone for anything. I'm glad yall have nice beds. I'm gonna have something better soon.

I'm gonna sleep on stacks of Benjamin$...
That's a real bed.

What do either of your posts have to do with the poster asking for advice on mattresses?

Im sorry that life, your choices, someone elses choices, variables, whatever has created your situation but im not going to feel any guilt when I go buy a mattress set this weekend which is what got me to read this thread initially.

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: Martin75

The first paragraph was all in jest, my dear...all in jest. Well, at least the "hours" part anyway! LOL!

Seriously though (well, kinda anyway); my buddy (the one who whines a lot whom I mentioned earlier), he could be sitting in a comfy lounge chair, on a sunny summer Saturday afternoon, with a cold beer in one hand, and a great big fish on the line with the fishing pole in his other hand...and he'd find some thing to complain about!

Ask him about his sleep number bed, and you'll have to tell him to shut-up about how great it is in a couple hours or so.

I've never even laid in one, but if it can make someone like him stop complainin'...I'm all in!

posted on Dec, 27 2016 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

Im sorry that life, your choices, someone elses choices, variables, whatever has created your situation but im not going to feel any guilt when I go buy a mattress set this weekend which is what got me to read this thread initially.

There's no reason to be sorry, it actually turned into the best situation I could have imagined, though that is only materializing slowly. Why would you feel guilt when buying a mattress knowing that?

My rant was to remind you that any mattress you get is excellent compared to none at all.

If you take things for granted the universe has a knack for teaching you about it.
Probably better to learn from someone else's misfortunes than jinx yourself into having to learn them too.

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