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Israel's Sex/Human Trafficking Industry

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posted on Aug, 9 2002 @ 02:49 AM
Long in text but very much worth the read.

posted on Aug, 9 2002 @ 03:45 PM
I'm afraid that no country comes off clean in the human rights issues (and in prostitution... look at Thailand and the Far East for more horror stories. And there's been a number of news stories about wealthy foreign nationals (often from Muslim countires) importing maids here to America who are essentially slaves and sextoys -- this happens to women and to children of both sexes.

posted on Aug, 12 2002 @ 02:51 PM
Varde, such things are happening EVERYWHERE in the world, not only in Israel. And Byrd has right, specialy in Middle East country. Unfortunetaly, in Europe too.

If you're looking carefully on internet, I'm sure that you'll find something about a soooo-bad jew who eated 1 child. Another 1 who killed his old grand-ma' because she didn't give him her money,a nd probably another 1 who want to be the new king of the world.

When u'll find them, do not hesitate, post it on the Hezbolah Web Site.

posted on Sep, 3 2002 @ 11:32 AM
LOL phoenix!

yeah, this stuff happens everywhere, not just in palestine (i say palestin cuz the real name is palestine not isreal)

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