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May 8 int2024

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posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 10:49 AM
A surprise attack .... Commanders are waiting on orders from the puzzle palace in Washington but communications are down and so they wait; that is if they even know anything is going on.

The Cartels and the Mexican military move north in a joint effort to seize land and assets such a banks to help fund their own little operation. China has paid huge sums of money and promised the northern hemisphere to the CCP allies but a little more cash can help the greedy in the here and now.

Out of the reported 7.3 million illegals the real number is closer to 11 million and out of those numbers there are 2.7 million ready to fight and die for their goal of removing the world of the great woke Satan.

I bet someone could write a entertaining (fictional or not) book with just those bare interwoven threads and thoughts ????

The story was motivated by the thread about the note in Italy

The End

posted on Feb, 24 2024 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: 727Sky

Someone could...
Finding a note in Italy under a windshield wiper and America thinking its all about them and there all confused because why would you leave a note for the US in Italy.
Well...that's asking for a prequel itself.
Never mind the info on the actual note.

There's something goings on

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