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How VAERS is changing the Data

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posted on May, 29 2023 @ 10:34 PM
The suspicions that Vaers the main stop for vaccine adverse events are being manipulated to make them look far better than they are. here we have an analyst who has been following the Data for foreign and domestic reports for over a couple of years, The foreign report has had the safety signals removed after the file size was diminished. The vaccine was experimental, and the trial isn't over until 2024 so one would think it would be essential to keep the data pure. This analyst has done the underreporting figures where getting a report into the system takes half an hour, and if you miss the timing you will be timed out of the website. Any intelligent look at this system is screaming misinformation and underreporting of the damage seems to be endemic. They have seen the Israeli data being changed as they are observing it.
edit on 5-6-2023 by Asktheanimals because: Title corrected

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 01:56 AM
This is scary, start taking screen shots or something before the true data disappears.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 06:31 AM
No one cares about science any more. It is all "science" these days.

For any political agenda, you can produce dozens if not hundreds of "scientific" papers that support your claims. Now, with the support of powerful AI, this has become easier than ever before.

"Science" has become a religion with the general audience simply trusting the authority of popular "scientists" without applying the scientific method themselves. Then, in the scientific communities, you have large-scale fraud and corruption, almost everything is about grants, grant money, publication count, and citations.

So, if VEARS is manipulated or not doesn't make a difference in the end.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: Torlin

In the end, we get what we deserve not what we want.

posted on May, 30 2023 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: Torlin
No one cares about science any more. It is all "science" these days.

For any political agenda, you can produce dozens if not hundreds of "scientific" papers that support your claims. Now, with the support of powerful AI, this has become easier than ever before.

"Science" has become a religion with the general audience simply trusting the authority of popular "scientists" without applying the scientific method themselves. Then, in the scientific communities, you have large-scale fraud and corruption, almost everything is about grants, grant money, publication count, and citations.

So, if VEARS is manipulated or not doesn't make a difference in the end.

All good points and an accurate summary of the situation. This area of "The Science (TM)" has definitely become a wierd and corrupt religious cult.

Everything ever approved by this lot since Fauci took the reigns and Reagan waived all responsibility from vaccine manufacturers should be up for review. Never going to happen though. Will be difficult to find many relevant scientists who haven't been corrupted or taken by groupthink. It would require tearing the whole thing down and starting again in a way that removes corruption.

I started this pandemic wondering what happened to RFK jr to make him such an "anti-vaxxer". Now after listening to what he has to say (instead of what is claimed about him by others) and reading his book I have completely revised this idea. I now view him as something of a hero who makes some great, if uncomfortable (for the industry) points.

At the moment "The Science" is just another term for "pseudo science" based on corruption with an accompanying quasi religious type of belief system.

posted on Jun, 5 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: Quintilian

They are still deleting, especially Jansen, so in a while, it will look great and the safety signals will be ok, so when they try with the next shot you will be referred to VEARS to see just how safe it all is. Covering their tracks?

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