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State of Corruption

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posted on Apr, 11 2023 @ 06:55 AM
Mike Gill was a rich businessman involved in the housing sector, had millions. Even ran for Governor on an anti corruption policy. His life fell apart after standing against the drug trade. There is a lot to his story, for a starting point:

I came across another more recently trying to get his story out:

Now coming to you live from the apocalypse, Link

So what is it with Mike Gill? James O'Keefe and General Flynn are just as bad a Hillary Clinton in playing politics? To put any faith that one person will sort all this worlds troubles out is asking too much.

In understanding the political lawlessness going on these days, Mike has a good heads up. The reality he presents is one angle to consider in the defund the police movement going on.

If drugs where decriminalized it would hit that profit motive hard. It is a reasonable assertion Trump knows this stuff, some of it at least to get where he got. What do we do about it?

Enforce the law and shot any drug dealer on sight, maybe thin out the CIA and FBI a bit? Or decriminalize these compounds and let market forces sort out what works? The long term issues and dealing with addictions suck.

I DONT KNOW... I respect self determination, it is not always that easy. One step at a time is the only advice in taking on this mine field.

If you where Governor, what would you do with this information?
edit on 11-4-2023 by kwakakev because: fixed link

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 05:36 AM
So after a day we get some flags and stars, no comments. Mike has gotten a lot of that. What do you say when some family has lost their kid over a fentanyl overdose? He knows it.

Well if I was governor, I would relax the medical oversight when it comes to drugs of dependence. If good, clean drugs are getting through that aids ones quality of life, great. If crap drugs are on the street that will seriously mess you up, bad.

I have family on heroin. When they start too young it is a mess. I can see where the government is coming from in trying to crack down on it. As they get older it does help take those aging pains away and can continue to function if the dose is right. I am not surprised by the amount of doctors on opiates with the trauma they go through and more easy access to these medications.

Once someone has this hook in them, it ain't coming out unless that individual wants it out. You can lock them up for as long as you want, on that first day of freedom they will be back if they have not made that decision to stop. I get how a lot of police have to work in the gray zone on this one. Turn a blind eye to a bit of smack, crack, ice, hash, whatever when there are more serious issues going on.

As for what this enterprise has become, deep in the black budget.

If covid has taught us anything, it is not a politicians place to get involved in broad spectrum medical issues. Each individual has their own issues and is more the place for each case on its own merits. Taking a more Sweden approach to drug policy looks like one way out of this mess.

Prohibition on alcohol eventually fell. If we can find a world where we are not losing as many before their time, that is a good thing. The black market is heavily invested and profitable with the status quo, they don't want to give that up.

But if we can hit this black market where it hurts them and get more professional advice, options and quality of drugs, it looks like one angle to provide a better quality of life for all.
edit on 12-4-2023 by kwakakev because: grammer

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Decentralize Now and Save Humanity .
edit on 12-4-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2023 @ 10:41 PM

The Pusher - Steppenwolf
You know the dealer, the dealer is a man with the love grass in his hand
Ah, but the pusher is a monster
Good God, he's not a natural man

Psychodelicide is another one by an 80s Detroit punk band by the same name that you will never have heard of, but they understood dying of an over dose, "I don't want to die, just want to stay stoned! STONED! They asked me if I wanted to take some, of course I said yes."

Thinking of Detroit how can we forget Iggy Pop, "Lust for Life"?

Well, I'm just a modern guy
Of course, I've had it in my ear before
'Cause of a lust for life 'Cause of a lust for life

edit on 12-4-2023 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Added extra comments

posted on Apr, 13 2023 @ 06:39 AM
I can kinda see where the status quo is coming from these days as well. If you are a good kid, from a good family you don't want this mess screwing up your kids life. So having this stuff illegal does create some resistance in destroying too many lives.

A lot of these drugs do take a toll, one week or 5 years? On issues of self regulation it is standard for most to push these boundaries at some stage.

Then what happens to the law as we do cross that line. Just put it down as some medical issue and handle appropriately.

I am just trying to be candid about a big, dark serious issue. The law has chopped and changed over my life, one day it is fine, the next day it is not. My body does not update that quick on matters of addiction. For the most part the law has been very stable and consistent over generations. These days the governance system is moving too quick.

Holding the ground on the common law matters look solid, don't trespass or harm another. As for where this corporate law is going, be careful with that consent as the limited liability person can change in a day.

posted on May, 11 2023 @ 07:11 PM
Mike Gill: Guns, Drugs, & Human Trafficking April 27, 2023

Michelle Moore is one that have been having some interviews with Mike Gills. The corruption runs deep, all the way to the top with the courts captured. The money laundering system is one crack in this system.

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