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Quarrantine from my perspective

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posted on Mar, 22 2020 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: Starcrossd

originally posted by: Lumenari

a reply to: Lumenari
My grandfather gave me his seed closet when he died... it used to be a apothecary case.

It's a wooden box with 200 little wooden drawers... 10 by 20.

It took me awhile to learn seeds... like how to harvest your own carrot seeds, lettuce seeds, etc.

I have weird things like Egyptian walking onions from my wife's side of the family from Oklahoma in the 1890's.

They self-propagate... so it's the same plant as 130 years ago.

It's an onion that is a shallot that is kinda a garlic... I use it a lot in cooking.

The Whole Seed catalog is my garden porn.

What an amazing TREASURE!!!! I'd be giddy with such a gift.
I've been saving some seeds as well but not doing great at storing them lol. Hopefully I will have the time and get better at it! This year I have a very small crop but still going to have fun. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, blackberries, a fig, cherry and orange trees! But they're just starting - still so excited!

Fig and orange trees... now I am jealous.

I don't live in a place that can do that... zone 6 here and I can barely keep my paw-paw trees going.

Please take the time to get better at seed collections and teach your kids too.

People like us may be the ones keeping things going someday.

posted on Mar, 25 2020 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

O, my trees are just babies and not producing yet! Fingers x'd though! In truth, this is my 3rd try with a citrus, the extreme weather changes we have here (Tx) killed my other attempts. They always happen when I am away and can't rescue them.
if I'm still around in this wide world when they start producing I promise I will send you some fruit!
I definitely will work on my seed collecting and saving, it is something I care greatly about as well. Just need to devote the time to organizing a good storage system, then the game is on!

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