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Barbecue planned at home of vegan who took neighbours to court over meat stench

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posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Regardless, when any group tries to force their life choices on everyone and they are in a tiny minority of thought, the only impact it has is to piss most people off.

Like it or not, people who eat an omnivores diet are eating a normal diet they evolved to eat. It's not cruel, it's not inhumane, it just is.

The contradictions bother me also. Animal rights activists will fight tooth and nail to overprotect predators, completely ignoring doing so causes the decimation of herd and game animals. Wolves and Mountain Lion's have been so overprotected they are now posing a risk to humans, in particular children and they are coming into urban area's seeking food after decimating their normal prey. All due to over protection by people who don't actually know what they are doing. Bears are now overpopulated with the same results. Activism often leads to worse problems than it addresses due to the activists not actually having a clue.

All I'm really saying here is to each their own. I'd never bother a Vegan about their diet, let alone try and take legal action to stop them from being Vegan. In fact I'd prepare a special plate for them so they could join in at a BBQ.

84% of vegetarians/vegans abandon their diet. Extrapolated out, that means that there are 8 million lapsed vegans as opposed to the 1.6 million current vegans.

That is from a Vegan friendly site. It screams to me that their activism is for the most part fake. It's cool to be Vegan for most, until it's not.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 05:03 PM

Regardless, when any group tries to force their life choices on everyone and they are in a tiny minority of thought, the only impact it has is to piss most people off.

I agree with you on much of what you say but do you feel the same about everything or just some things, again things like abortion are similar as people have different moral beliefs as what is what.

84% of vegetarians/vegans abandon their diet. Extrapolated out, that means that there are 8 million lapsed vegans as opposed to the 1.6 million current vegans. That is from a Vegan friendly site. It screams to me that their activism is for the most part fake. It's cool to be Vegan for most, until it's not.

I am pretty sure it is mostly people who do not like the way you are treated after becoming vegan. People don't invite you to the things they did, they don't feel comfortable with you going out. You have to make sure people who invite you for a holiday know you need special food and of course newly changed vegans and vegetarians the food still smells great and you miss it so weakness just like smoking.

How many smokers go back? Tastes great, relaxes me, my friends all smoke. But those who try it eventually may try again until they make it like losing weight, it is hard to get there but you become critical of others once you make it and think wow why are all these fatties not doing something!

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 06:22 PM
Mental illness is what happens when you don't eat meats your brain really does turn to mush. Aside from that the woman is an authoritarian who thinks everyone should do as she says not realizing this is not her world we all live in. She needs to get over herself or move on out into the bush

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

I'm Pro Life but I accept it's legal and not my choice to make. I can disagree without being disagreeable. Most people can in real life away from social media.

I'd never mistreat and honest Vegan because I don't care what others eat or don't eat. I only comment when someone is making it personal like the lady in the article. What a person eats is near last on my bucket list of things I need to know about someone.

Now if I were going on a survival trip I'd discriminate against a Vegan and I admit that. In the real world in the wild, you don't eat meat you die and on some occasions, like a person who can't eat peanut butter so you don't invite them over to try out your peanut butter cookies, you don't bring a Vegan along for their own good.

It's up to the Vegan to be tolerant if they want to socialize, not the host to inconvenience everyone else for one persons wants.

I don't think you can make and adequate excuse for the subject of the article taking legal action. A jerk is a jerk, which has nothing to do with being Vegan. Those types will search out reasons to torment neighbors and they are not really fooling anyone. Clearly no judge is going to fall for it.

edit on 9/5/2019 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Themaskedbeast
Mental illness is what happens when you don't eat meats your brain really does turn to mush. Aside from that the woman is an authoritarian who thinks everyone should do as she says not realizing this is not her world we all live in. She needs to get over herself or move on out into the bush

Yeah sounds like a well researched topic for you.

Quite a few geniuses had quirky eating habits. Steve Jobs had some funny ideas about food, as he did about so many things. According to Walter Isaacson's biography of Jobs, the Silicon Valley whiz kid subsisted mainly on dates, almonds — and lots of carrots. He supposedly ate so many carrots that "friends remember him, at times, having a sunset-orange hue,"

However, Steve Jobs definitely eschewed meat and had other idiosyncractic eating habits, too.

posted on Sep, 5 2019 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

It's bad enough that sometimes in a restaurant you have some pale little thing stagger up to your table and tell you "Killing animals is bad karma and that steak is going to kill you."

Has anyone actually done that to you? ..I would be pissed, and I wouldn't be super polite letting them know.

Anyway..funny story about the bbq

posted on Sep, 9 2019 @ 06:25 AM
I think I read that she also complained about the guy's children playing with the basketball. He then stopped with the children playing basketball and the barbecues, then she eyed off her other neighbor to complain about them. Like seriously the street you live in will kick you out soon. I'm all for vegans, vegequarians etc. Just allow me to eat what i want (within reason). A young television presenter has often said ...'if it looks good, eat it.'...

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