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Anti-Muslim Film Creator Questioned by Police in Los Angeles

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posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:24 PM
It seems that the creator of Innocence of Muslims, was taken by the police to be questioned for his involvement on the film.

Now, this is very interesting, it also seems that he can be arrested for parole violations for previews runs with the law.

No on one occasion but many.

Nakoula, known under at least a dozen other aliases, had been previously convicted of crimes including bank fraud and the intention to manufacture methamphetamine.

In 2010, he was found guilty of opening bank accounts using stolen identities and Social Security numbers, and was sentenced to 21 months in prison. Nakoula was released in June 2011 on the condition of restricted Internet access for five years.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:45 PM
Questioned about involvement...
meh, pretty simple questioning..."ya, I made the what?".

Interview over.
The guy is a piece of work, but he didn't break any laws...same as if the KKK did a film about their opinion on MLK. Might be trashy and low brow, but not illegal.

The only possible issue going on here is the "yelling fire in a crowded theater" type violations..whats that known as legally? And it would be hard to prove he intended on creating riots to begin with.

I put him right next to the westboro baptist nuts...don't like what they say, but its especially important to protect their rights...because once you start banning unpopular speech, it becomes a slippery...well, cliff moreso than a slope

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

While I believe that he will no be arrested in relation to the film, he can be arrested under parole violation, depending how he will be charge.

Still, this will be doing a favor to protect him, after all I would not be surprise if some nut out there try to retaliate against him for his involvement in the film.

I find also interesting how his background and runs with the law has been expose and readily use as an excuse for arrest.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by SaturnFX

While I believe that he will no be arrested in relation to the film, he can be arrested under parole violation, depending how he will be charge.

Still, this will be doing a favor to protect him, after all I would not be surprise if some nut out there try to retaliate against him for his involvement in the film.

I find also interesting how his background and runs with the law has been expose and readily use as an excuse for arrest.

Not sure how making a film is a parole violation no matter what type of parole it is. The cops can detain anyone for a few days, after which they must release. frankly, if they bug him too much, he could sue for harassment.

This is how the law -should- work..but due to the current environment, a example may be made..the wrong example mind you. It would do a great injustice for the muslims if this guy got kangaroo justice. They need to see what a society based on libertys and freedom is about..and though they may be angry, in time, they will demand they get that fear of persecution for having an opposing thought.

Best to suffer a bit now, verses solidify the worst elements power base later. Police need to release him. If he violated his parole somehow, make sure the media understands its unrelated completely from the video.


I find also interesting how his background and runs with the law has been expose and readily use as an excuse for arrest.

This is an easy one. the US has created a society totally fixated on crime/punishment...everyone has a scarlett letter now, which means we quickly prejudge someone based on their actions of the past. This allows for rampant tyrrany to prosper..after all, who would dare stick up for someone who did -that- in their past?!

edit on 15-9-2012 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

The guy is a piece of work, but he didn't break any laws...same as if the KKK did a film about their opinion on MLK. Might be trashy and low brow, but not illegal.

I reckon you were so excited about expressing your opinion that you forgot to read the article first.

The California probation office is reviewing whether Nakoula, who was convicted on bank fraud charges, violated his parole by uploading the film onto the Internet. His terms of parole required that he seek approval from his probation officer before buying or using Web-capable devices, and that any approved device could only be used for work purposes. He was also restricted from circumventing this rule by enlisting others to access the Internet on his behalf.


See ya,

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Is he a citizen of the United States?

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:05 PM
A criminal POS like that is interested in only ONE thing. MONEY. Why would a guy like that make a film like that?
He could give a damn about Islam or Christianity or the price of beans in Swahili. Because someone put him up to it, that's why. This whole thing stinks to high heaven of a false flag and I'm buying NONE of it.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by SaturnFX

The guy is a piece of work, but he didn't break any laws...same as if the KKK did a film about their opinion on MLK. Might be trashy and low brow, but not illegal.

I reckon you were so excited about expressing your opinion that you forgot to read the article first.

The California probation office is reviewing whether Nakoula, who was convicted on bank fraud charges, violated his parole by uploading the film onto the Internet. His terms of parole required that he seek approval from his probation officer before buying or using Web-capable devices, and that any approved device could only be used for work purposes. He was also restricted from circumventing this rule by enlisting others to access the Internet on his behalf.


See ya,

Police are investigating Nakoula's alleged involvement in creating the film 'Innocence of Muslims,' and for possible parole violations.

Fair enough, the question is did he upload it
did =he= upload it.
Anything can be filmed by someone else and uploaded to the net. "hey man, I was just doing my job...figured they would put it on DVD or something, interwebz? no wai...did it get any hits?".

its fairly pathetic. unless he is on a vlog discussing how he just uploaded the video, then they got nothing...

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by SaturnFX

The guy is a piece of work, but he didn't break any laws...same as if the KKK did a film about their opinion on MLK. Might be trashy and low brow, but not illegal.

I reckon you were so excited about expressing your opinion that you forgot to read the article first.

The California probation office is reviewing whether Nakoula, who was convicted on bank fraud charges, violated his parole by uploading the film onto the Internet. His terms of parole required that he seek approval from his probation officer before buying or using Web-capable devices, and that any approved device could only be used for work purposes. He was also restricted from circumventing this rule by enlisting others to access the Internet on his behalf.


See ya,

Police are investigating Nakoula's alleged involvement in creating the film 'Innocence of Muslims,' and for possible parole violations.

Fair enough, the question is did he upload it
did =he= upload it.
Anything can be filmed by someone else and uploaded to the net. "hey man, I was just doing my job...figured they would put it on DVD or something, interwebz? no wai...did it get any hits?".

its fairly pathetic. unless he is on a vlog discussing how he just uploaded the video, then they got nothing...

I don't disagree in the least!

Though I don't always agree with you, I always enjoy your well written posts. You don't often leave an opening for a jab, so I just couldn't pass this opportunity up.

See ya buddy,

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

I am not sure to tell the truth, some rumors said that he is of dual citizenship and of Israeli background, while some said he is Egyptian.

But, we don't know for sure, his been already in prison in the US.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by sonnny1

I am not sure to tell the truth, some rumors said that he is of dual citizenship and of Israeli background, while some said he is Egyptian.

But, we don't know for sure, his been already in prison in the US.

I say Deport him, and let him fend for himself.

Sounds ruthless, but the only reason he made that video, was to incite Hatred. He uses the guise of Freedom of Speech, as his personal backdrop. The same type of thing, the KKK, Westboro, New Black Panthers, etc..... use.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Your not posting the good bits..

The reason why he was questioned was because as part of his parole he was not allowed to use computers or an internet connection unless it was approved before hand and then only for work related purposes ( I'd say this film qualifies as work related) - although he could get friends to use computers and post on the internet in his behalf.

They are trying to see if he broke the terms of his parole by posting the film to YouTube himself.

In my opinion, this won't go anywhere. There is no way the cops can prove he posted the film or used computers himself when he can simply claim a friend did it for him.

In fact, look at my sig file. The filmmaker is thinking of letting the full film be posted on YouTube

edit on 15-9-2012 by JohnPhoenix because: sp

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:16 PM
Simply put he was on probation, part of that states he can't go on the internet. He broke his probation and now he has to pay for that......

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by BenReclused
Though I don't always agree with you,

Wait, what? but..I am always right?!

To disagree with me means your default in the wrong. I should know, I feel I am right about me being right, and therefore am probably right about being right...I could also confirm this with my mom if this isn't enough evidence

I always enjoy your well written posts. You don't often leave an opening for a jab, so I just couldn't pass this opportunity up.

You bastage!
I blame the internet..It supposed to be smart enough to inform me of openings I leave open..and spellchecker...both of which I have seemed to have lost during the last system restore.
edit on 15-9-2012 by SaturnFX because: this was not an error!

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Simply put he was on probation, part of that states he can't go on the internet. He broke his probation and now he has to pay for that......

May have broken...not definate.
He may have made the movie, but others would be in charge of distribution.
Also, it might be part of his work...sounds to me like the parole dept is going to have a hard time unless they have clear evidence he was in charge of its distribution methods.

If you work as a director of a movie, or as he said, a logistics whatnot, your not responsible for its distribution..thats some other people. Now, I know it wasn't some major studio, so they might have evidence. I am going to remain neutral on this overall until facts come out. Right now, the state and fed are freaking out and trying to appease and quell...understandable, but now more than ever the law must be observed. If it is not completely clear, then he is innocent. innocent until proven guilty..and proven is done with evidence, not assumptions.

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 10:18 PM
Posted earlier here

Please add further comments to the ongoing discussion in the above linked thread.

**Thread Closed**

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