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Fukushima plant set to release 770,000 tons of highly radioactive water material into ocean

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posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 04:47 PM
Even though there is 300tons of radioactive water leaking into the Pacific on a daily basis, Tepco officials have decided to release another 770,000 tons of radioactive water into the Pacific. Of course, Tepco offcials claim it will have little to no effect on ocean life however, I think this claim is unfounded.

50,000 trillion Becquerel’s of radiation leaked: 300 tons of radioactive water leaking daily into the Pacific and no known technology to fix it, so you can imagine the anger by local residents, environmental groups and fishermen as Tokyo Electric Power Co., TEPCO, the operator of the Fukushima plant announced they are set to release more radioactive material into the Pacific Ocean.

Around 770,000 tons of highly radioactive water is being stored in 580 tanks at the site.
Many of the contaminants can be filtered out, but the technology does not presently exist to remove tritium from water.
Tepco say tritium poses little risk to human health and is quickly diluted by the ocean.

I don't know what else to say so I won't comment on this any further. I'm sure that ATS has a lot to say so what says ATS?

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 04:58 PM
and for some unknown reason...
no one in the world will care.

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 05:11 PM
It's really exposed the corruption endemic in the Japanese system hasn't it, the government seems incapable or unwilling to hold TEPCO to account, and while I'm sure the engineers are working as hard as they can, nobody seems to have a solution.

Maybe there isn't a solution. The plant should never have been built where it was. But it was. And now it's scuppered.

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 05:12 PM
S&F in the hopes of a Godzilla rising from the deep.

Seriously, I know they're counting on eventual geographic dispersion but that still has to reek havoc on the first localized ecochain.


posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 06:13 PM
Thousands of nuclear bombs have been detonated over the Pacific. Nuclear submarines have been lost at sea.

So how does this rate as an environmental impact compared to all the other nuclear spillage that has occurred?

posted on Jul, 15 2017 @ 06:27 PM

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