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What WINNING looks like today!

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posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: network dude

I'd imagine anyone who is OK with using carbon emitting energy sources isnt against becoming energy independent.
People who advocate for really tapering off those energy sources would lose their minds. I personally find it really interesting how the Biden admin has been able to sneak under the radar.

not sure he's sneaking, I've heard the same from a few lefties.

As I said, this will come in handy when the drilling starts fo real.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: network dude

The drilling is for sure not what it was 2019 in America. Yet the Mr. Biden and club have increased production since his tenure. And to his credit he either knowingly beforehand knew that he could play with your hippies hair for a bit then ramp up, I don't know. I'll go with political point as the drilling ramped up when your citizens minds had been preoccupied. But hey, Dude you guys are seeing some returns on that interesting investment you call president.

Why have you guys not picked Tulsi as your lead? She is cool.
edit on 9-3-2024 by budzprime69 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-3-2024 by budzprime69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: budzprime69

No! Biden is about frozen EVs, Green Energy, and not bolstering the American Oil Industry. No significant year to year production increases have occurred

The Washington Examiner, Breitbart, NY Post, and Conservative Treehouse insist you get your thinking straight and realize JOE BIDEN has done everything to kill the oil industry. With an insistence towards anger and myopic criticism.

Not like we are producing the most of any country on earth. Russia, and their gold plated train stations, were in no way responsible for that spike in inflation and fuel prices.

As 2023 comes to a close, the United States is producing more oil and more natural gas than ever before, even in the face of efforts by government planners to force a move to other, greener, sources of energy. In fact, thanks to a major uptick in per-well recoveries in shale wells, the US is now producing more oil per day than any single nation has ever achieved.


If you're a geo grad (BS) there's the most jobs there has ever been looking at mud in North Dakota right now.
edit on 9-3-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33

The Washington Examiner, Breitbart, NY Post, and Conservative Treehouse insist you get your thinking straight and realize JOE BIDEN has done everything to kill the oil industry. With an insistence towards anger and myopic criticism.

Sounds a lot like Margaret Thatcher who destroyed the Coal Industry in Britain many years ago.

All part of a global plan that's been in effect since the year dot.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Then explain why so much of land that is yours is being zoned for oil production? I'm not sure why someone would refute numbers. I'm not saying Mr. Biden is your savor by any means. I'm just point out the facts. Now granted thise production numbers don't necessarily equates to return.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I'm a western-centered globalist though.

If I had a one point plan for energy production it would be this:

Nothing wrong with oil, but NATO rules. USA, Canada, UK, and Norway could supply NATO and allies and cut off Russia and OPEC through Western-Isolationism. That's the way you counter BRICS. If the world is headed towards factioning off under two dominant blocs, one led by the US, one led by China, that's the way to do it.

A bloc. A bloc of Westernized countries that focus on each-other exclusively.

BRICS is going to faction off under a like socially oppressive mind, it would be a shame if The West was too polarized by having choice to counter it before it's too late.

Such a China thing to do to use freedom of speech to distract an enemy enough to ghost them from the world economy while they are too otherwise distracted hating each-other. And PURPOSELY exploit their temporary weak-ass border policy to destabilize their cities with fentanyl by keeping Cartels supplied in precursor chemicals.

I'm all for taxing China and pulling within. Anything to turn them into a ghost nation of failed building projects. But there are benefits to doing that with others.

Isolationism of the west (Plus Japan Austrailia etc) instead of Isolationism of America.

Sort of a hybrid.
edit on 9-3-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: budzprime69

That was in no way a SOTU address; it was a campaign speech, and a lousy one at that.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: budzprime69

That was in no way a SOTU address; it was a campaign speech, and a lousy one at that.

What I thought funny about the whole thing is that the left thought the SOTUA was a huge win for them.

Simply because Biden managed 30 minutes without speaking to ghosts, screwing up reading the teleprompter or collapsing onstage.

They appear to have REALLY low expectations of their pResident.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see your side doing anything just as the other. So why are you happy about nothing getting done exactly? All you guys did was wait for Mr. Biden to flub some words. When in reality instead of patting yourselves on the back you should be supporting your leader and fellow countryman. Instead I see you and others joyfully cheering on your social disembark from reality.
Your NATO is stronger than ever and that cannot be disputed, your inflation has drastically been reduced far more than the world expected and your job productivity is far beyond expectations. So do you just dislike your country and the people that reside in it or are you just a unhappy person?

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

You realize Trump probably won’t win yeah? Like I mean, he may, but he probably won’t.

Your just going to need to brace for what’s probably going to happen, you more than most. Because I realize you have an ego as big as Trump himself. So it’s probably going to hurt you more than most when things just don’t go how you expect them too.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

I am just going to throw this out and see if it stuck. Mr. Trump is in all probability going to be elected. Polls don't matter in today's world. If they did then your 45th would be Hillary. I am myself preparing for something but not because of Mr. Trump. He very well could be the person to make gains on the power hungry elite or he could be our worst enemy. For me, I will take my chances as every single leader has failed. Atleast Mr. Trump keeps others in check, kinda reminds me of the great Mr. Reagan.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: budzprime69

That’s the irony about Trump and his supporters. All his supporters are against the evil elites… but Trumps just an evil elite wannabe that never had the competence to actually make it.

I think most people with common sense are going to realize that he is just some dude who once had more money than sense and has a massive chip on his shoulder about not always being the biggest dog in the room.

edit on 9-3-2024 by JadedGhost because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

I can't speak for others in your parts. But in my area we just look at him as a big dude with a big mouth that for some odd reason can keep other in check. That is to me the biggest attraction to Mr. Trump. Now his ability to run a country economically speaking is a entirely different topic.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: budzprime69
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see your side doing anything just as the other. So why are you happy about nothing getting done exactly? All you guys did was wait for Mr. Biden to flub some words. When in reality instead of patting yourselves on the back you should be supporting your leader and fellow countryman. Instead I see you and others joyfully cheering on your social disembark from reality.
Your NATO is stronger than ever and that cannot be disputed, your inflation has drastically been reduced far more than the world expected and your job productivity is far beyond expectations. So do you just dislike your country and the people that reside in it or are you just a unhappy person?

I'm siding with the average American citizen, sweety.

You know, the ones that buy our own groceries without taxpayers paying for it, ones with electric bills, cars to fuel and property taxes to pay.

If you took the time to understand what inflation rates really mean in America, then it only being 5% as opposed to 9% isn't anything to applaud.

It is still going up.

Civil labor force participation is still lower now than in 2019.

So I don't see any "winning" here for the average American.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 05:41 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost
a reply to: budzprime69

That’s the irony about Trump and his supporters. All his supporters are against the evil elites… but Trumps just an evil elite wannabe that never had the competence to actually make it.

I think most people with common sense are going to realize that he is just some dude who once had more money than sense and has a massive chip on his shoulder about not always being the biggest dog in the room.

Quoted for an epic level of irony.

I understand that you don't understand it.

That's why it is so funny.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: budzprime69
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see your side doing anything just as the other. So why are you happy about nothing getting done exactly? All you guys did was wait for Mr. Biden to flub some words. When in reality instead of patting yourselves on the back you should be supporting your leader and fellow countryman. Instead I see you and others joyfully cheering on your social disembark from reality.
Your NATO is stronger than ever and that cannot be disputed, your inflation has drastically been reduced far more than the world expected and your job productivity is far beyond expectations. So do you just dislike your country and the people that reside in it or are you just a unhappy person?

I'm siding with the average American citizen, sweety.

You know, the ones that buy our own groceries without taxpayers paying for it, ones with electric bills, cars to fuel and property taxes to pay.

If you took the time to understand what inflation rates really mean in America, then it only being 5% as opposed to 9% isn't anything to applaud.

It is still going up.

Civil labor force participation is still lower now than in 2019.

So I don't see any "winning" here for the average American.

Correct, I should do more research into many things.
Perhaps you could explain the unexpected GDP growth recently then?

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: budzprime69

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: budzprime69
a reply to: Lumenari

I don't see your side doing anything just as the other. So why are you happy about nothing getting done exactly? All you guys did was wait for Mr. Biden to flub some words. When in reality instead of patting yourselves on the back you should be supporting your leader and fellow countryman. Instead I see you and others joyfully cheering on your social disembark from reality.
Your NATO is stronger than ever and that cannot be disputed, your inflation has drastically been reduced far more than the world expected and your job productivity is far beyond expectations. So do you just dislike your country and the people that reside in it or are you just a unhappy person?

I'm siding with the average American citizen, sweety.

You know, the ones that buy our own groceries without taxpayers paying for it, ones with electric bills, cars to fuel and property taxes to pay.

If you took the time to understand what inflation rates really mean in America, then it only being 5% as opposed to 9% isn't anything to applaud.

It is still going up.

Civil labor force participation is still lower now than in 2019.

So I don't see any "winning" here for the average American.

Correct, I should do more research into many things.
Perhaps you could explain the unexpected GDP growth recently then?

It wasn't unexpected... it was actually downgraded as they usually are from first reports.

It made gains by the uptick of state and federal spending and was bolstered by an increase in personal taxes.

So local and federal governments are spending more and taxes have increased.

That is good for the average American citizen how?

Because if you are just living life, CPI is up, it doesn't include the cost of "volatile" things like food and energy (they took those out of the CPI in 1990) but inflation is still rising so taxes are rising because of inflation so the Federal Government is making more money.

GDP is up, yes.

Because of increased taxes and government spending.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Thank you for the breakdown. So what exactly is this tax burden policy or idea that has been spoken us.

posted on Mar, 9 2024 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: CataclysmicRockets
After the Great STOU speech last night a whole lot of fun and games took place in the whole political dichotomy today.

Personally this was one of my favorites.

What you say ATS? I found hilarity and promise in it, hope you do as well.


Another comparison. Trump Rally vs Biden Rally.

3/9/2024 in Georgia:

But Biden will get 90 million votes in November. Right?

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