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They will ban slingshots next

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posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:40 PM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

My bad for not dropping a link back then

Tibeash Sling Stick

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 01:16 AM
a reply to: Ahabstar

Thanks, that’s ingenious.

Funny, I was just thinking about the atlatl I made. The spear flipped back and whacked me in the head the first time I used it. Got the hang eventually.

It was fun being a kid.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 01:21 AM

I used to do pretty good as a kid taking out squirrels and rabits with a leather thong sling but I never really had something like that!

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: anonentity

They'll try to outlaw bows long, long before slingshots.

I can make a fairly powerful slingshot in 5 minutes...certainly one that'll knock off a squirrel, or a bunny.

Too easy to make, too easy to chance. Sure, they can outlaw 'em, but it's totally unenforceable.
edit on 9/8/2022 by seagull because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:15 PM
We had a Wrist rocket style in college that someone bought (not I). And we discovered that loading 5-7 pennies in the pouch to fire down the hall (was me) made interesting scratches to investigate and had other observable effects like denting penny edges.

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: MichiganSwampBuck
... . If I go and buy a cane that I think will be suitable, will I need to register that too?

Limp into the store. A cane is a walking aide.
Yes, it is something you'd need one off the shelf to avoid that.

There are several walking sticks my wife picked up at garage sales/ me
I have to say I picked a girl with a taste for the bizarre @times. One of
those babies is solid brass with a rather stout doorknob soldered to it.
Grazed by a miniball indeed. I split a 2 /2 ft long 2x4 with it. Mel. Urp.

Back to surreality. Where my CCL doesn't work or doesn't matter the
kitchen utensils go in the pockets. And with my build they dare NOT
dispute the announcement of my training in culinary num-nums. Cheers

edit on 8-9-2022 by derfreebie because: RREEEEEEEDumb

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