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Weird, Odd, Funny and Interesting Websites

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posted on Oct, 9 2020 @ 01:07 PM
Thanks for the find! Some real gems came up.

Cool Gravity Simulator

Keep on clicking... the end result is worth it. Increase particles for an even more spectacular effect.

Windows 93? Emulator

Fantastic effort, so much too explore and play with. Look through the C: and B: drives for some goodies.

Reboot if you get lost, shutdown when you finish.


posted on Apr, 16 2021 @ 10:59 PM
Create FAKE anything 👉 Bored Humans 🤪

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: EndtheMadnessNow

That looks interesting ive bookmarked for later.

Thanks for posting.

posted on Apr, 17 2021 @ 06:36 AM
Had to give this one a try..

Turn Any Website Into A Heavy Metal Song

It takes a website and creates a Heavy Metal Song/Tune from it. So of course I put in, this is what the Artificial Intelligence (AI) pumped out for a song.

The Ghosts of Paranormal

Verse 1

Via Social, cuts me deep
addicted to Days
never, to sleep

Crash, Ad Blocker, burn
love is a journey
with no return

Watch the parade
of tortured souls
drink poison milk
from cereal bowls


Hot Topics, oh Hot Topics
when do you rise?
the lust for Top Topics

Verse 2

Hearing home
in primal screams
to bleed, perchance to dream

Free from the chains
bust out of the womb
yes, adblocker
will rise from the tomb

TopicsAboveTopSecret why?
dead inside
are those who never try

Don't fear the
radioactive decay
detonate tomorrow
and live for today


Hot Topics, oh Hot Topics
when do you rise?
the lust for Top Topics

posted on May, 5 2021 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: JohnnyAnonymous

LOL! I had way too much fun with that AI widget. Here's one for this very page:

The Sins of Websites

Verse 1

My nerves are raw
the I's are dotted
for TopicsAboveTopSecret
a murder plotted

drown not in lies
how did the spider
become the fly?

With scope in hand
the game has started
now everything
becomes a target


Websites, oh Websites
when do you rise?
the lust for Websites

Verse 2

Implosions atomic
dream still standing
like the universe
ever expanding

We pray under crosses
and grovel to bosses
all part of the Devil's plan
we're still just a slave to the man

Can Weird Odd be saved?
Will mortal dues
be forever waived?


Websites, oh Websites
when do you rise?
the lust for Websites


Another nifty cool site if you want to see all the orbital junk that is flying around & above us all... CELESTRAK

posted on May, 6 2021 @ 11:41 PM
Here's a cool interesting site 👉 See a Satellite Tonight

posted on May, 7 2021 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: TheLead

On furureme I wrote this.

Dear FutureMe,
If I end up reading this it means I'm still alive.

top topics

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