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U.S. drone shot down over Yemen

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posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:08 AM

A U.S. military MQ-9 drone was shot down in Yemen’s Dhamar governate, southeast of the Houthi-controlled capital Sanaa, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Wednesday, the second such incident in recent months.

“It appears to have been fired by the Houthis and enabled by Iran,” the official said, without providing details or specific evidence.

The official said that while losing a drone was expensive, it was not unprecedented and it was unlikely to lead to any major response by the United States.


Hopefully the later part I quoted will ring true, as we don't need to be pulled into Yemen further more than the advisory role we're playing for Saudi Arabia. And while on that topic, I think we should dial back from that role as well. Why not let Saudi Arabia handle their own affairs? We already provide them with plenty of material support, why should we be giving them advisory military support at the expense of US taxpayers? Not to mention this gets our named associated with what many say is one of the worse humanitarian crisis of this time.

It does look like this was enabled and or possibly instructed by Iran. I wonder if this is in response to our efforts trying to seize one of their tankers?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker
yay no one died
that was the purpose of the drones right?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:10 AM
Why did we have a drone in their airspace in the first place? Sure we're facilitating the horrors committed by SA there but we're not technically involved.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

$16 Million dollars each of those drones are worth, no biggie, oh well.

I get it, we don't want to cause a war, and I'm not advocating that at all, but why are we flying $16 Million dollar machines that we are just ok with losing? How about we buy a $300 drone that we're ok losing and use the other $15+ million dollars for something practical in our own country?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Since the beginning of the war, the U.S. has backed the coalition bombing campaign with weapons sales and, until recently, midair refueling support for aircraft. But the French report suggests that U.S. drones may also be helping with Saudi munitions targeting.

“If the RSAF benefits from American support, in the form of advice in the field of targeting, the practice of Close Air Support (CAS) is recent and appears poorly understood by these crews,” the document says. A footnote after the word “targeting” specifies that the possible U.S. “advice” refers to “targeting effectuated by American drones.”
The Intercept

There have been reports alleging we are helping Saudi Arabia find their targets. I don't think it's too far fetched we sell them weapons and help them use them more effectively... But that bothers me seeing as it's just allocating tax money to the hands of arms manufacturers in the US.

I for one don't want my countries name, or my tax dollars tied to any agenda Saudi Arabia has. They're one of the most oppressive countries, and worse actors in the region.... Not to mention they provided more material assistance in 9-11 than any sovereign country, yet they remain a "close ally".

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: CriticalStinker
yay no one died
that was the purpose of the drones right?

I'm elated that no one died.

But I'm still against using our resources to help Saudi Arabia with their foreign policy.

We could be using those resources for ourselves.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Helping Saudi Arabia helps American workers.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We could be using those resources for ourselves.

I agree
Bring all of our troops home and let those in the middle east sort out themselves

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: CriticalStinker

Helping Saudi Arabia helps American workers.

Helping the US infrastructure would do the same thing while benefiting our own instead of an extremist dictatorship.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: CriticalStinker

We could be using those resources for ourselves.

I agree
Bring all of our troops home and let those in the middle east sort out themselves

Not only that, but we could get our military back in a condition to take on a major power while saving money.

Osama's plan was to draw the US into the Middle East for an extended period of time to weaken us. So far its proven to be effective.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 11:08 AM
Just another useless war. What's Saudi Arabia trying to accomplish with heavy weapon technology against a tiny country like Yemen? If they have a mission, can't they just get it done and over with? The problem is that we're supplying the Saudis while Iran (and probably Russia) are supplying Yemen.

This obviously a proxy war that will go on forever and we have no business being involved. Why isn't this sh!t debated by our politicians and media?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
Why did we have a drone in their airspace in the first place? Sure we're facilitating the horrors committed by SA there but we're not technically involved.

Who really knows how involved?

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: PsychoEmperor
a reply to: CriticalStinker

$16 Million dollars each of those drones are worth, no biggie, oh well.

I get it, we don't want to cause a war, and I'm not advocating that at all, but why are we flying $16 Million dollar machines that we are just ok with losing? How about we buy a $300 drone that we're ok losing and use the other $15+ million dollars for something practical in our own country?

Talk like that will make the MIC and drone makers sad

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

“It appears to have been fired by the Houthis and enabled by Iran

So basically the tit for tat drone war is still going on between the usa and iran.

posted on Aug, 21 2019 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: PsychoEmperor

Because a $300 drone doesn't get you 24+ hours on site, with image resolution capable of almost identifying individuals while flying at 25,000 feet.

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