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3 Fingered Mummy Found in NAZCA Peru

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posted on Sep, 7 2019 @ 09:27 PM
Whether things like this are hoaxes or not is made irrelevant by the fact that governments wouldn't ever reveal a story like this IF it were true anyways. They would create mirror hoaxes to bury it. I am certain many researchers/reporters have been the targets of those kinds if forced hoax campaigns.

Leaving an individual to draw their own conclusion and just keep it to themselves. (Or not).

The likelihood of some giants existing in the distant past are good based on so many different stories. The effort to discredit ALL of them has been FAR greater than just the simple telling of these stories themselves.

Never heard of a three fingered giant, but 6 fingered and six toed ones yes.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 12:54 AM
Bet he was a hit at high school parties!

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